We take screenshots without additional software in Vista
Tips / / December 19, 2019
The need to take a snapshot of the entire screen or part of it arises not only from the authors' Layfhakera ". Although the authors' Layfhakera "and other online magazines it occurs quite often - the need to illustrate to readers what we write. But a simple layman often there is the same need. For example, to send a picture to a blog or a screenshot of the screen with an error of a network administrator, and so on.
To solve such problems, there are a variety of methods. You can, for example, press the button PrintScreen, which is located in the upper right corner of the keyboard (and to take a snapshot of the current window only, not on the entire desktop, then pressing the PrintScreen you need to hold down the Alt). Then, in a graphics program, select "Edit / Paste", and is already using this editor to cut the desired part of the screen. This decision, which I personally have always enjoyed, has one drawback - the need to start editing.
Microsoft Vista users can take advantage of a small, but very convenient tool - "scissors", which are among the standard tools Vist'y.
After starting the program, you need to select any piece of the screen with the mouse. This piece is copied to the scissors. The resulting image can either save as JPG, GIF, PNG, or even the HTML, or copied to the clipboard, or send an e-mail. There are tools for editing - true minimum: eraser, pen and marker.
Before use, I would suggest to go to the program settings, and choose the color of the ink. This color determines the color of the border, which remains on the fragment after cutting. Initially, it is red - neither here nor there. If you want to completely borderless, then set the white.
P.S. Remarkably, a screenshot of the program "Scissors" with the program "Scissors" is very problematic.