How to become a beta tester for OS X Yosemite without a developer account
Tips Makradar / / December 19, 2019
Application developers for the platform OS X and iOS have always had access to the beta version of the new OS. Apple provides them that opportunity, so that they can pre-test their applications with the functions of the new operating system. Technically, such access can get all those who did not spare 99 dollars by buying the developer's account. Those who do not want to pay could only find a friend with the account, or wait for the public release.
With the release of OS X Yosemite Apple announced the public beta program testing to which everyone can join. In this article I will tell you how to participate in it, as well as the pros and cons of beta versions of OS X.
Beta. Pros and cons
Program beta common thing and many companies use this approach, releasing new versions of their products. Often beta provides a limited group of users that have certain skills and are not afraid of possible problems.
Basically, the beta version is used to identify the various problems that appear only under certain circumstances. Therefore, the more people involved in the test program, the greater the likelihood that they will be able to identify these problems by enabling developers to remove them before the public release. Another reason is the feedback from the end users. Developers want to know what features or applications interface elements can be done better and listen to the comments of the testers.
- the opportunity to try new products before others;
- aid developers in the development of their products;
- the opportunity to be the coolest guy with the latest;
- it's legal, free and does not void your warranty;
- there is always a variety of errors that hinder daily use;
- you have to be very patient and restrained;
- experts from the Genius Bar sometimes can not help you if something goes wrong;
- roll back to a more stable version can be difficult;
If you're ready for the fact that some features and applications might not work properly - you can try. But if you are annoyed at the slightest provocation, such as your messages do not reach the recipient - hold on beta versions away.
Apple software beta
Before I begin, I recommend that you make a backup using Time Machine, just in case something goes wrong.
Become a member of the program is very simple. Here are the necessary conditions:
- age 18+;
- at least 2GB of RAM;
- 8 GB of disk space;
- OS X 10.9+;
check in
In order to download to be able to try out the beta version of the software, first you need to register an account in the program. Here's what you need to do:
- Go to the program page Beta and click a button Join Now.
2. Enter the data of your Apple ID.
3. We read and accept the license agreement.
Installation Beta Access Utility
Now that you have registered your account, you can download a special utility and configure your Mac.
- After registering, you will be taken to a page with instructions beta program, where you will need to press the button Enroll Your Mac and download the utility beta access to begin the installation process.
- Open the downloaded file MavericksBetaAccessUtility.dmg and go through the installation process.
- After installing the utility icon is placed in the dock, where it will need to run and check for updates (the boot feedback Assistant).
Using feedback Assistant
As the name implies, this tool allows you to send reports about detected faults and failures of the system, to help Apple to fix them. Her work is very simple - follow the wizard, select the type of problem to add comments and send it out.
Installing the beta versions of the software
After all the manipulations in the Mac App Store you will appear pre-release software updates, including system upgrade. As soon as Apple opens the program of public beta testing, which is scheduled for this summer - there will be also upgraded to Yosemite. You can easily upgrade as is the case with any conventional update. You will also learn about the output of the public beta of the invitation that Apple will be sent to all participants by email programs.
Turn off updates to beta versions
If you get bored or tired of departures unstable versions of the software - to disable these updates is very simple:
- go to settings — App Store.
- click the button amend against the item Your computer is set up ... and choose Do not show updates prerelease.
However, keep in mind that everything is already installed the beta version of the software is not removed, so to return to the stable version's backup will need to use Time Machine. So do not forget to do it!
We have questions, comments or suggestions? Welcome to the comments - I'm always happy to talk and help. Stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things!