How to select the most important thing in Google Reader
Tips Web Services / / December 19, 2019
All the people who come every day to keep track of multiple sources of information, have long appreciated the benefits of RSS technology. And the best program for reading RSS feeds is by far, Google Reader. Today, we'll tell you how to allocate their subscriptions, the most important thing and not drown in the ninth shaft data, which throws us a worldwide network.
Name of service PostRankyou might have heard most recently in connection with the purchase of Google's development. They have created a data collection and analysis in social networks, blogs and tweets. Based on the study and calculation in real time the number of views, comments, mentions in social networks, retweets, PostRank system outputs estimate the popularity of websites, articles and authors.
In practice, these data can be used with a special extension for Google Reader. After installing this extension next to each entry in your reader will be integrated assessment of its popularity in PostRank, made in the form of colored badges with numbers on a ten point scale.
In addition, the top you see a drop-down list that allows you to filter out this article a way to show only items with a certain popularity, and all the others were shaded. Thus, you can easily cut things are not necessary and will not miss the fun.
By the way, you do not forget to subscribe to RSS-channel
PostRank It is distributed in the form of extensions for browsers google Chrome, Safari and Opera.