Pumping: dumbbell workout for strong hips and abs
Miscellaneous / / February 22, 2022
You will load the muscles well even with light shells.
This workout is suitable for people with good physical fitness. If you are just starting out, do simpler exercises.
How to do the workout
The complex consists of four exercises:
- Push-ups with pulling the dumbbell to the chest - 10-12 repetitions in total (5-6 on each side).
- Single leg deadlift and pistol squat – 16-20 total reps (8-10 per leg)
- "Dead bug" on one side with a dumbbell - 6-8 reps on each side.
- One dumbbell row and thruster – 10 reps for each arm.
Perform all exercises in a row the specified number of times. If your breathing is very difficult, you can rest between movements, but no more than 60 seconds. At the end of one circle, take a break for 1-2 minutes and start again. Complete 3 to 5 circles.
When choosing a rep range, be guided by your feelings. If at the end of the approach it is easy for you, add 2-3 more times or take heavier dumbbells. If the technique deteriorates already from the first repetitions, go to the simplified version.
How to do exercises
Push-ups with dumbbells to chest
Stand in an emphasis lying with support on dumbbells. If you have hexagonal projectiles (with edges on the pancakes), there will be no problems with stability. If they are round like in the video, make sure they don't roll.
Perform push-ups until your chest touches the floor, return to the starting position and pull one dumbbell to your chest, pulling your elbow back. At the same time, lift one leg up. Return to push-up position and repeat the same on the other side.
If you lose your balance, you can leave your feet on the floor and after push-ups do only chest rows, alternating arms every other time. Make sure that the lower back does not fall down, tighten the press and buttocks to avoid this.
Pistol Deadlift and Squat
Grasp the dumbbell by the pancakes on both sides, lift one leg, leaving the shin behind the body. Perform a projectile pull, being careful not to bend the supporting leg too much to feel the stretch in the muscles on the back of the thigh. Keeping your back straight, straighten up and move your raised leg forward.
Holding a dumbbell in front of your chest at outstretched arms, do a pistol squat on one leg and return to the starting position. During the execution of the “pistol”, try not to tear off the heel of the supporting leg from the floor.
If you don't know how to do this exercise yet and the one-leg deadlift makes you lose your balance, try the simplified version.
Shift your body weight to one foot, and put the other a little behind on the toes. Pull in this position. Then return your feet to one line and do a squat, holding the dumbbells over your shoulders in bent arms.
Then change legs - the one that was the supporting one last time, put it back on the toe and perform traction. Return your feet to the same line again and do a squat. Continue in the same spirit, alternating sides through time.
Keep your back straight while pulling. While squatting, do not lift your heels off the floor.
"Dead bug" on one side
Lie on your back, bend your legs at the hip and knee joints at a right angle. Take the dumbbell in your right hand and extend it so that the projectile is clearly above the shoulder, and the elbow remains straight. Leaning on your left hand, tear your shoulder blades and shoulders off the floor - this is the starting position.
Tightening your abs, lower your right hand with a dumbbell behind your head and straighten your left leg. Return to starting position and repeat. Perform the prescribed number of times, then transfer the dumbbell to your left hand and do from that side.
Make sure that while lowering your arms and legs, your lower back does not come off the floor. Keep your abs tight at all times.
Single dumbbell deadlift and thruster
Take a dumbbell in one hand, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly turn your socks to the sides. Keeping your back straight, simultaneously bend your knees and tilt your body forward, lowering the dumbbell to the floor.
Return to the starting position and bend the working arm at the elbow, bringing the projectile to the shoulder. Sit down to the parallel of the hips with the floor or slightly lower, straighten up in a continuous movement and raise the dumbbell above your head. Lower the projectile to the shoulder, and then repeat everything from the beginning.
Try not to break the thruster into squats and benches - do the exercise without pauses so that the momentum from the footwork helps to squeeze the dumbbell up.
Write how you workout. Did you manage to complete the “pistols” with a dumbbell?
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