What is emotional languor (not to be confused with burnout!) and how to deal with it
Miscellaneous / / January 28, 2022
If a person does not have depression, this does not mean that he feels happy, sees a goal in life and strives for self-development.
What is longing
The term "emotional languishing" (languishing) was proposed byCorey L. M. keyes. The Mental Health Continuum: From Languishing to Flourishing in Life / Journal of Health and Social Behavior American psychologist Corey Keyes. He argues that mental health is a spectrum and that there are other conditions between the two extremes of depression and prosperity. "languishing" people are not sick, but it is impossible to say that they feel well. They do not experience joy, fun or interest, they feel emotional stagnation, monotony and emptiness. About 12% of Americans between the ages of 25 and 74 have experienced similar problems, according to Keyes' research.
“It wasn’t burnout – we still had energy. It wasn't depression—we didn't feel hopeless. We just felt a little joyless and aimless, ”describesThere's a Name for the Blah You're Feeling: It's Called Languishing / The New York Times
state of languor psychologist Adam Grant in an article by The New York Times.“Lagging” people have a harder time concentrating on tasks, their motivation decreases. In the future, they run the risk of collidingChange in Level of Positive Mental Health as a Predictor of Future Risk of Mental Illness / American Journal of Public Health with symptoms of depression or anxiety. A recent study also confirmedThe relationship between post-traumatic stress and positive mental health symptoms among health workers during COVID-19 pandemic in Lombardy, Italy / Journal of Affective Disorders connection of emotional yearning and post-traumatic stress disorder.
How to deal with languor
1. Pay close attention to how you feel
Ignoring negative emotions is not the best strategy - it will becomePsychologists find the meaning of aggression: ‘Monty Python’ scene helps research / ScienceDaily only stronger. It is important not only to accept your feelings, but also to distinguish between shades of experiences: anxiety, anger, resentment, envy, anxiety. To develop the capacity for emotional detail, you can turn to dictionaries, books, and podcasts where people share their experiences.
2. Don't neglect rest
The modern world demands that we always remain productive. But if you work around the clock, you won't be able to do more. Economist John Pencavel came in 2014John Pencavel. The Productivity of Working Hours / Institute of Labor Economics to the conclusion that the focus on tasks worsens after 6 hours of work per day and 40 hours per week. Regular processing is harmful to health: growingK. Wong, A. Chan, S. C. Ngan. The Effect of Long Working Hours and Overtime on Occupational Health: A Meta-Analysis of Evidence from 1998 to 2018 / International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health stress and depression levels increaseLong working hours increasing deaths from heart disease and stroke / World Health Organization risk of stroke and death from coronary heart disease.
Of course, sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that we are forced to linger in the office. To feel better during such periods, take breaks and try to sleep prescribed 7-8 hours a day.
3. Try to focus on the process, not the result.
The state in which a person goes headlong into a task is sometimes called flow. It is easy to forget about time in it, and the process itself brings a sense of satisfaction. Immersion in things that are important to you can return activity and efficiency. At the same time, the work should be feasible: not too easy so that you do not get bored, and not too heavy so that you do not experience stress.
Try to remove distractions: do not check your mail every 5 minutes and do not switch between tasks. In mode multitasking you will work slower and be unable to concentrate.
4. Find an activity that brings you pleasure
For example, sports, hobbies, socializing with friends or walking in nature. Activities that give you pleasure can improveS. D. Pressman, K. A. Matthews, et al. Association of enjoyable leisure activities with psychological and physical well-being / Psychosomatic Medicine general well-being and alleviate stress. They act as "reclaimers", replenishing depleted resources.
Don't wait for inspiration to get started. Sometimes the pleasure comes in the process, and a little willpower is required from us at the start. Start with something simple, like set aside half an hour for reading before bed, or try growing houseplants.
5. Set yourself small goals
Try to set aside time every day to focus on something important to you, whether it's an interesting project or a meaningful conversation. This will help restore energy. If you're trying a new hobby, don't jump into something big right away. Celebrate small achievements: for example, to learn how to dance, you need to master the basic elements and only then move on to complex combinations. Fix the moments when even simple movements begin to work out for you.
6. Seek support from a psychologist
Many find it difficult to understand why psychologistif you have friends. But therapy is different from hanging out with friends. A good specialist pays attention only to your interests, and does not try to talk about his difficulties. He will not say “Come on, everything will be fine!” or give advice based on subjective experience. The task of a psychologist is to help you understand the situation and find a way out on your own.
It is not necessary to wait for serious problems to contact a specialist. If you feel that you are not coping with the situation, feel apathy, disappointment and other unpleasant emotions, this may be a reason to sign up for a consultation.
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