Free travel, a chance to win a Nobel Prize, and 5 more compelling reasons to become a scientist
Miscellaneous / / January 03, 2022
Being a scientist is interesting and useful. It doesn't matter which field of science you choose!
1. You will move the world into the future
At one time, flying cars, apparatus for printing objects and equipment that controlled homework seemed to people to be crazy fantasies of writers. And now airplanes, 3D printers and voice assistants are already familiar parts of life. Scientists helped them to go from fiction to reality.
Once you come to work in science, you can create things to simplify everyday tasks or cool things from your favorite science fiction films. Perhaps you will be the one who will invent the sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who or the translator from the language of pets!
2. You can save humanity
Scientists are constantly looking for simple solutions to complex problems - from local to global. Thanks to the efforts of researchers, mankind escaped epidemics of plague and smallpox, learned to extract energy with the help of the sun and wind, and adapted to reuse garbage. And this is only part of the achievements.
But so far not all problems have been resolved. And moreover, new ones are constantly appearing. Therefore, there is always enough work for scientists. The world needs a new superhero! To help humanity, you can invent cures for terrible diseases, create alternative sources water, figure out how to stop global warming or save cities from bad ecology - the choice is yours.
3. You will get the chance to travel around the country and the world for free
Working trips are part of the lives of many scientists. Their business trips are scientific seminars and conferences where you can meet like-minded people and idols, show off their best practices, find inspiration in the reports of colleagues, discuss scientific problems and agree on cooperation. And in your free time, you can also walk around a new city or country.
Science conventions are short trips, but scientists also have the option of long-term work trips. For example, internships in world universities and laboratories. There, in addition to a close acquaintance with new cultures and sights, you can gain valuable knowledge, master modern techniques, exchange experiences with foreign colleagues or create something together outstanding.
4. You will get closer to understanding the structure of life
How do emotions arise? Are there particles smaller than a quark? How many years will the sun go out? Science allows you to find answers to these questions. In this area, you always need to get to the bottom of the truth and find out what, how and why works. Therefore, if you have kept curiosity and interest in the arrangement of things and natural phenomena since childhood, a scientist is your profession.
In the process, you will be able to learn more not only from theory, but also in practice, conducting research and experiments. This will allow you to broaden your horizons, look at the world from a different angle and find amazing things even in the most simple things.
5. You will be constantly doing cool challenges
The work of a scientist is not a boring routine, but a creative process. You need to constantly connect your imagination, look for non-standard approaches and experiment. To create a cloth from grapes or to develop an exoskeleton - the challenges are cooler than YouTube or TikTok. And scientists have already dealt with them!
What a challenge to challenge yourself is a choice you can make for yourself in science. It is enough to find an interesting direction and a question that haunts the mind. Everything, you can go in search of answers and solutions.
6. You will have a chance to receive the Nobel Prize
And she's worth fighting for. Firstly, it is prestigious, it helps to become famous all over the world and go down in history. Secondly, the laureates of the prize receive very good material incentives - more than $ 1 million.
The Nobel Prize is awarded for an outstanding discovery or exceptional achievement. But just making a breakthrough is not enough - you need to get the recognition of world experts. To do this, you need to constantly be in search, experiment, and after completing do not be shy about discovering and show it as often as possible at scientific conferences, exhibitions and seminars.
Almost all scientists have a chance to receive the Nobel Prize (alas, definitely not from mathematicians, but for them there is an equally prestigious option - the Fields Prize). In the list of laureates for the history of the existence of the award, more than 20 Russians were also noted. For example, in 2010 "for innovative experiments in the study of two-dimensional material graphene" she was awardedThe Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 / The Nobel Prize physicist Konstantin Novoselov.
7. You can get free housing
It depends on scientists what the future of the whole world will be. Therefore, in many countries there are government support measures for representatives of this profession. So, now in Russia scientists who need housing have several options to get it for free or on favorable terms:
- GZhS (state housing certificate). Social paymentState housing certificates (ГЖС) / Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the purchase of housing.
- Service housing. Provided for the period of work, if the employee does not have an apartment in the settlement where the organization is located.
- Housing construction cooperatives. Low-rise areas for scientists where housing is providedResolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2012 No. 108 "On approval of the list of categories of citizens who can be admitted to membership housing and construction cooperatives, created in accordance with separate federal laws, and the grounds for the inclusion of these citizens, and also citizens with three or more children, in the lists of citizens who have the right to be accepted as members of such cooperatives "(as amended and additions) at preferential prices under a share participation agreement.
Young specialists can count on such support - candidates of science under the age of 35 years old or doctors of science not older than 40 years old. Also an important condition is at least 5 years of work experience in a scientific organization subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Improving the living conditions of scientists is one of the priority tasks of the Ministry of Science and Education. To achieve this goal planned increase funding for the housing certificates program and the number of cooperatives; and create a “scientific mortgage” with preferential interest. The initiatives have already been officially supported by the President of Russia.
After the launch, new programs will also be available to young and promising scientists. And they plan to implement these initiatives mainly in the regions of the country: according to the ministry, this will help slow down the "brain drain" from small towns to the capital or abroad.