11 tips for happiness, if you are 20 years old (with or without a tail)
Tips / / December 19, 2019
20 years - is a fascinating age when you can do a lot, but still vulnerable. The first major work, the beginning of its business, own family - so much new appears in the gap 30. On how you will live in this period is directly related to your happiness in the future. And here are some tips on how not to miss it.
1. Accept the fact that people change
This means that friends will be different, you will also change. So do not be surprised if your views or even vital part ways - each has its own way.
You may suffer, endure the betrayal, or make it yourself. Just go along with it, not trying to pull something that has already ended. If your paths diverge, just release.
2. Give yourself a chance to fall in love
A serious relationship can be frightening because they threaten freedom. But really because of you refuse to experience the vibrant and fresh feeling?
Do not recall the past, do not think about the future. Just allow yourself to fall in love and throw it out of my mind, living a normal life. Feelings will surely come to you.
3. Do not pull the toxic relationship
If you see that you are killing the relationship permanently spoil the mood and bring nothing, it's time to finish them, stepping over the fear of loneliness. Life is not as long as it seems 20 years. The sooner you get rid of what is now, the more time will be able to spend with people who are really your way.
4. less tusite
Of course, alcohol, a lot of friends and loud music seem concentration of fun, but it quickly bored. In life there are so many different activities, interesting and unusual events that spend all weekend on the permanent party of one scenario is just silly.
In addition, if you drank away all his money in the clubs, you will never be enough for other entertainment.
5. Find your passion
Each person, even the most rasposledny nihilist, need a goal in life, some meaning. So we arranged. But the real goal draws only what you really impressive, incredibly happy and draws.
When a person has such a passion, she shows him the direction in life, support in difficult times. In my opinion, it is worth zamorochitsya for such advantages.
6. You - it's not your job
If you find your passion and make it a source of income, skip this paragraph and move on to the next. If it is not, but the work for you - it's just a way of making money, does not associate itself with it, do not leave your favorite things.
Whatever is said your boss and senior staff do not change their identity in order to take a warm place or person to be respected. You just kill themselves for the sake of money and prestige, they are worth?
7. Travel
The most enjoyable and rewarding way to entertain yourself in 20 years and older. Travel as much as possible. Do this each time allowing time and money. By the way, if you listen to the advice of number 4, will be more funds for travel and you can go wherever your heart desires.
Many people think that the trip requires a lot of time and a lot of money, but this is not always the case. A little savings, chip flights, The latest offerings - if you dream of tourism will, she must be realized in the same year.
If finances tugovato, you can go on a trip to his native country. It has many beautiful places in which absolutely everything is different from your town, from the nature and ending with the residents.
When you see how big the world as there are a lot of people with different traditions and cultures, you will gain self-confidence and faith in the fact that you live right (because the "wrong" as such not).
8. Communicate with the same interests
Communicate only with those with whom you are well. If you have school pens about the "cool" people, throw them into the nearest dustbin. the joy of communication - one of the greatest pleasures in life, so do not destroy it stereotypes.
9. Start a business now
If you have an idea that will change the world, start their business right now. At this age, people have almost no experience, but have a passion and creativity, commitment to innovation and the belief that the world can make a difference. No time to lose.
Even if you go bust, you get invaluable experience. In the words of some American billionaire, the first time you need to burn up to thirty.
10. Listen to yourself
Most of his life, all his childhood and youth you listened to someone else: parents, teachers, older comrades, the first chief. Now you have accumulated a bit of personal experience, and it is time to begin to trust him.
Stopped to look at others and think that they will say. Your experience will never lie to you, he is always truthful. Someone says, that was fun. If you were bored, the way it is. And it is the only truth, because your world - it's just what you feel and see. Now is the time to become a.
11. Success does not bring happiness
Happiness leads to success, not vice versa. This advice is probably the most important, and it affects all the others. If you are working on unloved work for success and respect and think that torment now, then you get happiness, you're wrong. It will be a short-term burst of pleasure, scratching behind the ear of his ego and new tortures.
The greatest success in life can assume that you live it happily.
To find out if you held, you need to have the courage to make a simple action. Ask yourself: "Am I Happy?". If not, then you need to look and taste, learn new things and strive for what is the soul.
see also🧐
- 15 Tips twenty of whom thirty
- Why men and women experience happiness differently
- How to get the maximum from the trip pleasant experiences