The city of the future through the eyes of children with Yandex. Marketplace and Lego
Miscellaneous / / December 20, 2021
Most likely, teleportation will be very expensive at first. But if over time it becomes simple, cheap and safe, then it will turn out to be used as urban transport - for example, to create teleportation booths. A person enters them and chooses where he wants to move. Such booths could replace airports or other transport hubs like metro stations.
However, this technology may have some drawbacks. There are still areas of untouched nature on Earth. With teleportation, such places will become available to crowds of tourists - this can negatively affect nature and the life of animals.
The challenge for future technologies is to help reduce the catastrophic harm that human activities cause to the planet. Therefore, teleportation should be associated with a decrease in energy consumption and emissions of harmful substances. For example, it can be used to transport goods - it would be nice if you can teleport them directly to shops or people at home. Perhaps such a technology would also be useful in interplanetary and intergalactic travel, but that's another story.
The author of the idea is Dasha, 12 years old.
The human brain is about 100 billion neurons, which not only contain all the information we know, but also give the ability to work with it. Neurons communicate with each other through electrical charges and chemical reactions. The more we use any neural connection, whether it is solving various problems or regularly playing the violin, the stronger it is - which means it will be easier and faster for us to use it.
It seems the coolest vending machine is the one that not only downloads information, but also trains neural connections. I really hope that when Dasha grows up, she will invent such a device! In the meantime, we can train our neural connections using the tools available. For example, together with our children, we can read a variety of books, play educational games, or even conduct research experiments. Now on the "Market" these children's products are in great demand, and we are very happy about that.
The authors of the idea are Sasha, 11 years old, Lyosha, 11 years old.
But I imagine such a scenario in some remote village, ecovillage or suburban cooperative. Imagine a couple of wineries somewhere in the south have teamed up and purchased several similar drones for transportation of tourists, while the workers themselves would be able to comfortably get to the city or some other places. This sounds like an interesting alternative to the car that you might actually need in the countryside.
But don't forget about safety. Here you will need the appropriate services that will monitor traffic safety. In addition, environmental control is also needed, because flying vehicles can interfere with birds.
This device will help if you cannot find a missing smartphone or a pen that has gone missing somewhere. It is enough just to write the name of the object on the screen, and a giant magnet will instantly attract the necessary thing. You can find a loss anywhere - the field of a magnet acts throughout the galaxy!
The author of the idea is Sasha, 11 years old.
This device can have many other uses besides tracking down a lost second sock, keys or a cup. For example, how about finding lost people? And if it is possible to drag objects into space or from space, then in general, a sea of opportunities opens up for the extraction of resources and the development of near-earth space.
Another important question is what such a system will do if it cannot find the lost thing. It seems to me that we need to give the user the opportunity to choose from several options. For example, order an analogue, ask a neighbor for a similar thing, or maybe just get psychological support about the loss.
The main advantage of this technology is that it will never cease to be relevant. As long as a person has at least one object in his hands, he will lose it.
The author of the idea is Oleg, 6 years old.
This device will come to the rescue where there is not enough constantly working equipment or people, so it should be able to connect a variety of tools. For example, today there was a snowfall, the windshield wipers cannot cope - the drone puts on a nozzle to clear the snow. And if tomorrow there is a big concert at which the robot has to check tickets and tell visitors where everything is, then a large information board will come in handy. At the same time, such a device can become an additional bench for the audience. And, of course, he needs a solid case. You never know what kind of work will have to be done - for example, dismantling debris in the park after a hurricane.
The control of such a drone should be taken over by a smart city: after all, it knows where there is a special load and ordinary services or basic robots cannot cope. You may need a dedicated app so that people report their problems, and the smart city control center can make the best decision about where to send the robot assistant.
Bring your idea to life. For example, build a model of a device using LEGO bricks, or simply draw - on paper or in a graphics editor.
Check out the official LEGO accounts @legorussia_official, @legorussiaofficial and Yandex. Market @
By January 20, the jury will select 20 winners. Good luck!