10 useful articles for freelancers
Tips Work And Study / / December 19, 2019
For a long time its existence (over 5 years), we have accumulated a lot of topics related to remote working. audience of the project grew, and freelancers in our ranks is growing. That is why we decided to make a file of all the interesting material for those who are engaged in freelancing.
Care of freelancing in the views of many people is often paired with a loud dismissal or departure from slamming doors and cutting all contacts with colleagues and superiors. In fact, all this can be avoided.
Why freelancers need to legalize their underground business? We know at least a few factors that need to get though, would be to think about the need to legalize.
In order to have got engaged in freelancing, you need patience and a little practice and a few tricks to stay in shape.
When you are working on an urgent project and need to get it all easy to forget about the simple things that support your health, well-being, and hence the result of your work.
Remember: healthy freelancer - a successful freelancer.
Many of you are often faced with the need to work on multiple projects simultaneously. And as strange as it may seem to you, but in this case it is important to be able to engage in a single project.
Genevieve DeGuzman (Genevieve DeGuzman), co-author of «Working in the UnOffice: A Guide to Coworking», is divided into three simple tips to help newcomers acclimate community kovokerov.
For freelance vital fame, popularity, and network activity. How to create all of this without spending any money?
Ideal freelancer - is an unattainable ideal remote worker. Such a freelancer I want to kiss, and then give him his own sculpture, made of pure gold. Here are 10 simple rules that will help you get closer to the ideal.
The experiment can be the best teacher, but it is often better to learn from the mistakes of others, rather than on its own.
I want to share with you the experience of building a small business in which I own boss, accountant, artist, an insurance agent, and all other persons.
But the lyrics the lyrics, and practice practice. Yesterday we launched a special project dedicated to how to live and work in Thailand. All aspects of the readers Daria Roysyuk divided in detail, a freelancer who lives in Tae. In the first issue Daria rasskazvaet about how to get a visa to travel cheaply in Thailand. To be continued :)
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