6 ways to transform conflict
Tips Work And Study / / December 19, 2019
Conflict is almost a daily event in the life of any organization. Where two or three are taking a unanimous decision, one likely to disagree.
Most people choose one of the two classic ways to resolve the conflict: the management or resolution.
1. conflict management It assumes that conflict is a constant feature of the life of the group. The idea is not to eliminate conflict and keep it within certain limits.
2. conflict resolution - a method of perceiving the conflict as something abnormal. The idea is to find a solution, as a rule, a compromise as quickly as possible.
But, as experience has shown, these two "traditional" method is not as effective, but most often it is they are chosen people, when faced with conflict.
We offer a third method - conflict transformation. He examines conflict not as a problem that requires management or resolution, but as an opportunity to strengthen relations of any group.
Below are 6 tips to help you move from the traditional ways of resolving the conflict to the thinking style of conflict transformation:
1) Consider the possibility of conflict as
Usually we view the conflict as a problem and as a result, we are afraid to deal with it. Learn to see the conflict for what it is, drawing a look inside your organization.
2) Respect the opponent
Pride is the main obstacle to the transformation of the conflict. If you are sure that you are right and the other person is wrong, or, even worse, considering the situation as a problem, conflict, doubt, will grow and you will be in a stalemate.
3) Identify the main problems
In fact, couples swear not because of money. The real problem - control.
Always look at the true causes.
4) Just imagine a common future
Start with the question: "How can we create something better for both of us?". If you can not imagine the enemy, as a part of your future, you will not be able to transform your conflict.
5) Know when to quit
The conflict can not be transformed as long as both parties are willing to negotiate in good faith. If the other party seeks to argue, you may need to withdraw or maintain standard templates conduct. Conflict transformation is not the same thing as capitulation.
6) Keep track of and learn
Conflicts are symptoms of much stress and urgent problems, so they are likely to re-make themselves felt at some point. The best tactic - to remember and to learn lessons from the conflict, so that they help in the future, you will not stumble again in the same place.
Conflicts are inevitable, but the consequences of the conflict can be avoided. Open your mind to see other possibilities than just victory or defeat. You will be able to transform the current conflict and the culture of your organization.