How to get rid of the thing and the apartment the smell of tobacco smoke
Tips / / December 19, 2019
People who live in an apartment with the smoker, can be extremely unpleasant smell of tobacco smoke. The same can be said about the "flavor" of tobacco on the clothes of the smoker, if such a person will go to the room in which there are non-smokers, it is unlikely that they will be delighted to such "fragrance".
The smell of tobacco smoke can be uncomfortable and smokers themselves: it causes headaches, causes discomfort and can cause nausea in some cases.
To learn how to get rid of the thing and the apartment the smell of tobacco smoke, we talk today.
How to get rid of things smell smoke
The most important thing is not to become a walking "tobacco flavor", you have to wash their clothes more often. Wash things you need to hang to dry in the open air (in the open balcony or in the yard).
Displaces the cigarette smoke scents
Your perfume will help you mask the smell of tobacco smoke. But remember that the spirits important not to overdo it: it is not necessary to pour the polflakona at a time. Also do not forget that the spirits of just mask and do not eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke.
Good to get rid of the smell of smoke helps baby powder (just sprinkle her clothes and shake a couple of minutes). It is also recommended to store (and you can wear in your pocket on the cover if possible) in a closet with clothes orange and lemon peel.
Do not keep a pack of cigarettes in his pocket
If you wear a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, the small particles of tobacco can get on your clothing and strengthen odor.
leather goods
Eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke from the leather is much more difficult than with other things. This everyone knows who has ever tried to "erode" black leather jackets. This is explained by the fact that leather items absorb a great many odors, including unpleasant, including the smell of cigarette smoke.
The easiest way, which will help to quickly get rid of the smell of leather goods cigarettes - it is white vinegar diluted with water. Prepare this simple solution, take a sponge or normal cloth and wipe the vinegar-water solution of its leather goods. After that things need to be aired.
The scheme is the same as that of vinegar, but instead of vinegar, use soapy water. The effect is similar, but weaker.
This, of course, the most expensive way, but sometimes the smell of cigarette eats so much that people do not help - we can only deliver the items to the cleaners. Most often this should be done if the tobacco smoke soaked with such things as fur or sheepskin coat.
How to get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke in the apartment
Someone in your family smokes, and now came the moment when you realize that your apartment is so stinking that more so you can not live. Or you rented an apartment, where the previous tenants liked to smoke. The important thing: you extremely unpleasant ingrained smell of cigarette smoke, and you want as quickly as possible to get rid of it.
Of course, the easiest way - to do it in the apartment repairs. But if you can not afford it, or you just do not see the sense to elevate someone else's apartment, you just take off on time, then you can do other, less drastic measures.
Before cleaning, make a list of things in the house, which you should pay the most careful attention to: clothes, carpets, curtains, bedspreads, mattresses, soft toys.
If you have pets, they need to bathe, because pet fur remarkably absorbs any odors, including unpleasant.
When you wash the floors and window sills, do not forget to add in the water white vinegar. But after such an "acetate" cleaning you need to be sure to ventilate the apartment.
Tables, cabinets, tables, chairs and indeed almost any furniture you can sprinkle baking soda and leave for five or six hours, and it is better for a day.
Hang wet towels
Hang wet towels on the door of each room. They are well absorb odors and help refresh your apartment.
use flavorings
Not necessarily to buy expensive fragrances that may in fact prove to be a solid chemistry, which is more harmful than cigarette smoke. Just arrange the vases in every room, or panes with ground coffee and do not forget to change to fresh coffee several times a week. Also a great flavor is orange or tangerine peel.
If it is nearing for the New Year, it is possible to arrange in a flat bouquets of pine branches - a great help to cope with cigarette "aroma".
Make similarity aromalampy
Sprysnite incandescent bulbs your favorite perfume (important: you must sprinkle only cold lamp). As the heating lamp in the room will distribute the fragrance of your perfume, interrupting them stale cigarette smell.
And, of course, do not forget to regularly ventilate the apartment.
And what are ways to deal with the smell of tobacco smoke are known to you? Share in the comments.