7 steps to help you avoid panic before having a baby
Miscellaneous / / November 22, 2021
1. Prepare for pregnancy
Replenishment in the family is not always planned, but it is still better to prepare the mother's body for bearing a child. Before conception, you need to quit smoking and drinking alcohol, establish a sleep and nutritional regimen, and move more. To understand whether the body is ready for pregnancy, you need to consult a specialist.
Men also need to prepare - the child receives the genetic material from both parents, which means that both of them must take care of their health. The father-to-be needs to give up bad habits, add physical activity and have a good rest.
It is advisable to start preparationPlanning for your pregnancy / Pregnancy, Birth and Baby 3-6 months before the expected conception. Planning will help you mentally tune in to the appearance of a baby and create conditions for a successful pregnancy.
2. Agree on how responsibilities will be assigned
Discuss in advance how you see the division of responsibilities for caring for and raising an infant. In Russia, a woman is more likely to take parental leave, but such an opportunity
Federal Law of 19.05.1995 N 81-FZ (rev. 2021) "On state benefits to citizens with children" (as amended. and additional, entry. in force from 01.07.2021) / ConsultantPlus there are also men. And even if the husband prefers the traditional role of the breadwinner, then it is necessary to agree that he will help with the baby - for example, in the evenings after work and on weekends.For a child to develop successfully, he needs a stable environment. If parents are in conflict with each other over the distribution of responsibilities and parenting methods, this stability is compromised. As a result, the child may become hyperactive and restless. Therefore, it is important for parents to learn how to negotiate with each other and not quarrel over any reason.
3. Find out what benefits you are entitled to
If before the birth of the child there was a separate budget in the family, then during the maternity leave it can be uncomfortable to live only on the salary of one of the parents. Try to revise your family budget while you are pregnant. To prevent one of the spouses from getting into a situation where you have to constantly ask for money, you can open a general account and issue an additional card to it.
Specify what benefits young parents are entitled to from the state: for example, maternity capital in Russia is now paidMaternal (family) capital / Pension fund of the Russian Federation after the birth of the first child. In 2021, a family with one child born or adopted since 2020 can receive more than 483 thousand rubles, and in 2022 - more than 503 thousand rubles. The money can be spent, for example, on paying off a loan for housing or saving for the education of children.
Young parents can rely not only on maternity capital, but also on other payments within the framework of the national project "Demography». For example, if the family's income is less than two living wages per person, payments can be made for children under three years of age. On average, the amount of payments in the country is 11.4 thousand rubles. You can apply for them at the MFC. For families living in the Far East, additional one-time payments are provided for the birth of the first and second child, regardless of the family's income.
If the family has a child born after January 1, 2018, you can apply for preferential mortgage up to 6% per annum for the entire loan term. Program allows you to use maternity capital to pay the initial mortgage payment. And couples who have problems with conception can have IVF done free of charge on the referral of their doctor.
Learn about parenting options4. Attend parenting courses
The courses will prepare you for childbirth and tell you how to care for a newborn in the first days. For example, they will teach you how to breathe during contractions and how to latch the baby to the chest. It is also useful for future dads to go to such courses - so they will find out what happens to a woman's body during pregnancy and childbirth.
In the classroom, you can personally communicate with practicing doctors and meet other couples who are expecting a baby. Verified information from experts and communication with like-minded people will help maintain a positive attitude. And in order not to go anywhere, you can choose online classes.
5. Prepare the apartment for the arrival of the baby
It is not necessary to make major repairs. Sometimes, small changes are enough to make life more comfortable. For example, hang blackout curtains so your child sleeps in total darkness. Make sure he has a crib with a comfortable mattress, a light duvet and bedding.
You can pre-stock up on pads on the corners of furniture and clips for drawers, which will be needed when the baby starts to crawl. If the apartment has furniture with glass inserts, cover it with a special film that will protect the surface from chips. It is better to move all potentially dangerous items from the lower drawers of the table and cabinets to where the baby will definitely not reach them.
After the birth of a child, the apartment will often have to be cleaned, and when he starts to crawl, you will also need to wash the floor every day. To keep it clean, you can buy a robotic vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner.
6. Get the support of your loved ones
In the first years of life, the child needs special attention and care, and it can be difficult for a young mother to cope with everything alone. Do not try to shoulder everything on your shoulders: agree in advance with your family that in a difficult situation they will help you.
Part of the responsibilities can be delegated to the child's father, other relatives or girlfriends who have experience in raising children. For example, while someone is walking with the baby, the mother can do household chores or just relax. The child's father can dress him up and put him to bed - this will not only relieve the tired mother, but also help the man develop paternal feelings in himself.
7. Focus on the present
It is impossible to predict how your life will turn out while the child is growing. Nobody is immune from difficulties. But if you constantly worry about what may happen in 10-15 years, you will not be able to enjoy what is happening now.
Try to put aside worrying thoughts and focus on the positive things in the present. After all, your family is about to go through an important event - the birth of a child, and it is better to enjoy this moment to the fullest.
Parents of today don't have to choose between a child and a career. Thanks to the national project “Demography»Women who are on maternity leave or do not work and are raising preschool children may undergo retraining and get help with finding a job. So that mothers can go to work earlier, modern and comfortable kindergartens with nurseries for children up to three years old are opening. Already, 170 thousand nursery places have been opened in Russia.
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