4 situations when only one comma is needed during the introductory word
Miscellaneous / / November 17, 2021
Instructions in case you are in doubt how to correctly highlight the words "for example" and "by the way" - from both sides or not.
Since school times, we remember well that introductory words and phrases are highlighted in the letter with punctuation marks on both sides. But in some situations, you need to put only one comma, not two. And this is not only about the beginning or end of a sentence, there are other nuances.
1. Introductory words and combinations in separate phrases
The members of the sentence, which are isolated (that is, highlighted using intonation and punctuation), include clarifications, explanations, participial and adverbial expressions. If there is an introductory word at the beginning or at the end of such a construction, then comma between these elements we do not put, but select only the turnover itself.
- Natural Sciences, e.g. chemistry, physics and biology, caused him to disbelieve.
- He usually did not go to doctors either, apparently hoping for the mercy of nature.
- He had some alternative medicine, amulets and prayers most likely.
- But magic and piety helped little conflicting with each other should be.
However, the introductory word is separatedPunctuation for introductory words and combinations / Guide to punctuation / "Gramotu.ru" a comma from a turn, if it is enclosed in brackets.
- His plans (for example, travel a lot and live to old age) were under threat.
In addition, you need to put commas on both sides if the introductory word is not at the beginning or end, but in the middle of the turn.
- He nevertheless believed in the achievements of modern science, Appreciating, apparently, their saving power.
2. Introductory words and combinations near the union
If the introductory construction comes immediately after the compositional union and it is impossible to skip it without violating the structure of the sentence, then the second comma is not needed.
- She was angry and nervous maybejust scared. (If here mechanically remove the introductory phrase - "She was angry and nervous, but <...> just scared", the union will not fit into the structure of the sentence.)
But if we can safely omit the introductory word, then a comma is placed both in front of it and after it.
- Not a year maybe, two or three are needed for this cat to start trusting people. (In this case, the "smoothness" of the wording will not suffer: "Not a year, but <...> two or three ..." - the union will fit in.)
However, at the beginning of a sentence, we do not use a comma after the union, even if the introductory word can be removed.
- And of courseEven reasonable people find it difficult to cope with their psychological trauma.
- And by the way, cat you cannot explain in words that you only wish her well.
3. Introductory words and combinations next to homogeneous members
If the introductory is on the border of homogeneous members of the sentence and refers to the word following it, then the comma between them is not needed.
- He planned to buy a lot of sweets: ice cream, chocolate, candy, possibly marmalade, waffles.
- At the checkout, he fussed, was nervous, must be sorrythat he did not take halva.
The absence of the second comma in this case helps to understand which word the introductory refers to.
4. Introductory words and combinations in a complex sentence
Here the situation is the same as with homogeneous members. If the introductory word is located between the parts of a complex sentence and is part of the next one, then the comma between them is also superfluous. It is the absence punctuation sign indicates what the introductory construction refers to.
- The owners were making noise in the kitchen, they were eating something, most likely the cat was waitingwhat will be shared with him.
- The meat is over unfortunately the cat was still hoping.
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