On October 10, Pavel Durov turned 37 years old. In honor of his birthday, he published fast, in which he named the most underestimated and overrated things in life.
3 underrated things
Dream. It boosts immunity, creativity and psychological well-being.
Nature. It is the environment in which we are biologically created to feel good.
Loneliness. Being alone gives you the freedom to make spiritual and intellectual breakthroughs.
7 overrated items
Big cities. These are sources of pollution, crime and noise. It is good to have access to their resources, but it is advisable to live outside their borders.
Restaurants. They offer the slowest and least efficient way to eat. Home cooking allows you to follow a healthier diet and have more control over the ingredients.
Hot weather. Sunny weather can lead not only to relaxed behavior, but also to the risk of cancer and faster aging. Colder temperatures, on the other hand, clarify the spirit, body and mind.
Fashion. This endless pursuit of ever-changing trends is expensive and unnecessary. Comfortable clothes make life easier and free up space for important things.
Real estate. Buying it often limits choice and is a dubious investment. Renting gives you more freedom of movement and exploring different locations.
Social networks. The continuous stream of garbage cluttering our minds reduces our happiness and creativity. Disconnecting from internet services is the best thing we can do any day.
Celebrity tips. Famous people often give unsubstantiated advice outside of their area of expertise. In everything that is important in life, it is best to rely on exact science and expert opinion.
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