During general cleaning iTunes some users may accidentally delete any favorite playlists, which are quite difficult to restore, or simply too lazy to do. But do not despair, because there is no simple way to return all practically in its place.
So, if you are faced with a similar problem, there are several simple steps that will allow restore "lost" playlists, if you are, of course, did not manage to add to the media library any new elements.
"Magic," the sequence of actions is as follows:
~ / Music / the iTunes
or or ~ / Music / iTunes
If you use the operating system English localization). In any case, I recall that the tilde is your home directory.iTunes Music Library.xml
and overtighten it to any other directory or directly on the desktop.iTunes Library
.iTunes Music Library.xml
.The result of this operation all accidentally deleted playlists must reappear in their places. However, there is a possibility (the most practically) Sudden appearance of playlists that you have removed intentionally - they have to be removed again. (via)