REVIEW: Carmine Gallo - Jobs Terms
Tips / / December 19, 2019
The second review, the preparation of which I was a little disappointed. Despite the fact that I deliberately came back from Mac OS to Windows with the introduction of 7-ki, I am a fan of many devices, Apple of software solutions, which, it should be noted - only a consequence of the ideology of the company, not the last role in the creation of which took Steve Jobs. Because I took an interest for the book.
The book is subtitled "The universal principles of success of Apple's leader." And indeed, enumerated here and there "success principles" Steve's in the book there... 23-24 pages. The rest of the book - a description of how these principles are supposed to help not only to Jobs.
It is enough for someone who wants to learn the motivation, because for some reason gave up on these very principles. But to those who believe these principles himself and follows them this book is certainly not necessary. Similarly, they do not need someone who does not believe in the principles of the leader of Apple.
She fervently enough written to be considered, even the interpretation "of the Bible," a preacher of the author, in my personal opinion did not happen. I almost felt sorry for the time spent reading. It might be about the same write where interesenee.
Plus: the only one in that, after the chapters there are issues that may make you think.
Many minuses. The main thing that had to be done before writing to the author - to decide what he wants to create - a historical study or inspiring sermon. The result, in my personal opinion, is almost non-flammable mixture of dung like - like and burns, but the smell - not very.
I note that the opinion of the author, that is me, do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board.