We can safely say that each book you read increases the level of intelligence by about 1%. I read a hundred books - I doubled my wisdom. In a normal scenario, the average person may well raise his level of intelligence in two years, but only if he tries hard and... chooses the right books. The 50-page rule is a great help for this. instagram post viewer .
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The 50-page rule is the easiest and most convenient way to sort books by importance and usefulness. Have you often encountered such a situation: the book you are reading is so boring that you barely had the strength to read it to the end? So why did you read it?
The 50-page rule: if the first 50 pages don't like, impress, or cause boredom, close the book and put it on the shelf.
Guys, tens, hundreds of thousands of books are published annually in the world, of which a few percent are interesting. But even this number of ideal and most useful books is too much for one person. Stop wasting time on boring books, life is so short.
On 50 pages of an average book, you will spend half an hour or an hour. This will save you a couple more hours of boring and unhelpful reading. Use the 50 page rule and enjoy reading.
Yes, another important question - books that fail the test should not be given a second chance. With a 99% guarantee, we can say that they will not justify it either.