13 blood cancer symptoms you shouldn't ignore
Miscellaneous / / August 01, 2021
Chronic fatigue, nosebleeds, and bruising on the body can be a sign of a dangerous illness.
What is blood cancer
This is the common name of the group.Myelodysplastic / Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Treatment (PDQ®) –Patient Version / National Cancer Institute malignant diseases in which the organs of hematopoiesis are affected, namely the bone marrow and its stem cells. Normally, all blood cells are formed from them: leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes. If pathologically altered, cancer cells appear in the bone marrow, then gradually they displace healthy ones, for example, erythrocytes and disrupt their normal formation.
The type of disease depends on which blood cells are dividing incorrectly. But usually, with any blood cancer, the amount of leukocytes. They multiply rapidly, but their structure is changed, and the cells cannot perform their function. Therefore, doctors call the disease leukemia.Myelodysplastic / Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Treatment (PDQ®) –Patient Version / National Cancer Institute and there are several types of it:
- myoblastic;
- lymphoblastic;
- erythromyeloblastic;
- monoblastic;
- megakaryoblastic;
- erythremia;
- lymphocytic leukemia;
- essential thrombocythemia;
- multiple myeloma;
- histiocytosis.
Why blood cancer is dangerous
Blood cancer is considered a deadly disease, but it all depends on its type. For example, in acute myeloid leukemia, survives for five yearsCancer Stat Facts: Leukemia - Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) / National Cancer Institute only 29.5% of cases. And in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, this indicatorCancer Stat Facts: Leukemia - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) / National Cancer Institute better: about 70% of people are still alive five years after the onset of the disease. It is believed that blood cancer cannot be cured, you can only achieve long-term remission, when the symptoms disappear or weaken, and the disease stops progressing.
Due to pathology, a person becomes susceptible to infections, so a common cold can lead to serious complications and even death. In addition, cancer cells can damage the brain, resulting in malfunctioning.
What are the signs of blood cancer
Regardless of the type of illness, adults and children may experience the same symptoms. We have collected all possible manifestations of the disease. Here they areSigns and Symptoms of Childhood Leukemia / American Cancer Society:
1. Fatigue and fatigue
For example, unusually severe fatigue appears after the usual work. And rest does not always help to restore strength. Doctors believe that such a symptom in blood cancer occurs due to a decrease in the level of red blood cells and blood clots. As a result, the tissues do not receive enough oxygen, and the person gets tired faster.
2. Increased body temperature
She can rise above normalFever / U.S. National Library of Medicine at 37 ° C. Moreover, sometimes this is due to infectious diseases, and sometimes the cause cannot be determined.
3. Frequent infectious diseases
Although cancer increases the number of white blood cells in the blood, these cells are malformed and cannot protect against infection. Therefore, a person clings to one disease after another.
4. Sweating during sleep
Even at normal room temperatures, a person can sweat in a dream.
5. Bleeding tendency
In cancer of the blood, the division of several types of cells at once is disrupted. Including plateletswhich are responsible for folding. Because of this, a person often bleeds gums, can suddenly bleed from the nose and easily bruise on the body. Sometimes, small red dots (petechiae) appear on the skin due to slight bleeding.
6. Bone pain
Dividing blood cells accumulate inside the bones, so there is severe bursting pain.
7. Enlargement of the abdomen
Since the bone marrow cannot give the body healthy cells, the liver takes over the function of hematopoiesis and spleen. In addition, tumor cells are able to accumulate in these organs. As a result, they greatly increase, which is especially noticeable in children. In adults, abdominal pain and feelingChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia / U.S. National Library of Medicine distension under the ribs due to the pressure of organs on neighboring ones.
8. Slimming
An enlarged liver and spleen can put pressure on the stomach, so a person has a false sense of satiety and eats less. In addition, metabolic disorders may occur, due to which the body weight decreases rapidly.
9. Swollen lymph nodes
Cancer blood cells can accumulate in the lymph nodes. Therefore, on the neck, above the collarbones, in the armpits and in groin dense balls appear. Also, the lymph nodes inside the chest are enlarged, but this can only be seen on pictures.
10. Rash
In some types of blood cancer, tumor cells accumulate in the skin. This is called a chloroma, or granulocytic sarcoma. The rash resembles small dark spots.
11. Cough and shortness of breath
If the lymph nodes and thymus enlarge in the chest, they press on the trachea and bronchi. Therefore, it is difficult for a person to breathe and often coughs.
12. Swelling in the upper body
Their reason is still the same - an enlarged thymus and chest lymph nodes. Only in this case they put pressure on the superior vena cava and prevent the blood that comes from the hands and head from entering the heart. This is how venous congestion occurs, which leads to the appearance of edema on the face, neck, chest or arms.
13. Brain damage
In advanced stages, cancer cells can spread to the brain and spinal cord. This disrupts their work, and the person develops headaches and sometimes seizures, loss of memory, balance and blurred vision. It happensSigns and Symptoms of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) / American Cancer Society nausea and vomiting.
What to do if you have symptoms of blood cancer
If you find yourself in any of the above, it does not mean that you have cancer. Other diseases can manifest themselves in this way. But in any case, it is worth contacting a therapist who will prescribe blood analysis. If there are abnormalities in the results that indicate hematological disease, then you will be referred to a hematologist. This specialist will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe treatment.
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