How to get rid of moles in the area
Miscellaneous / / July 31, 2021
We promise: not a single animal will be harmed.
How to understand that there are moles on the site
Most likely, you will not see the animal itself. Moles live underground and rarely go outside. You can understand that the animal lives on the site by looking at heaps of loose earth, reminiscent of volcanoes. As a rule, the diameter of the "crater" is from 3 to 12 cm.
Traces of the presence of a mammal appear on lawns and beds. This usually happens in the spring, fall or wet summer.
Why are moles dangerous?
Animals are not interested in garden planting: beets, tomatoes, potatoes. Moles feed on insects. To get food, the animals actively build complex systems of tunnels in the ground. The digging speed sometimes even reaches 4 meters per hour. While hunting, the mammal can damage the root systems of plants. Therefore, the summer resident risks being left without harvest. In addition, heaps of loose earth spoil the appearance of the lawn.
In addition, ticks and fleas often live in the wool of moles. Also, animals can be carriers of rabies.How To Get Rid of Moles. As mentioned above, the animals rarely come out of the ground, but it is impossible to completely exclude a meeting. On close contact, they can bite you or your pet running around the garden and infect.
Why moles are useful
During the construction of tunnels, moles aerate, that is, loosen, the soil. As a result, oxygen penetrates better to the plant roots. In addition, animals eat insect pests: Japanese beetle, slugs, snails.
How to get rid of moles in the area
If you still don't want to share a vegetable garden or lawn with animals, try one of these methods. They will not harm the animals. If one method doesn't work, move on to another.
Make a repellent
Pour ¼ cups castor oil, six tablespoons of water, and two tablespoons of liquid detergent into a deep bowl. Stir the solution with a blender until it becomes whipped cream.
Add two tablespoons of this insect repellent to your garden watering can, and then add water. Spread the liquid over the damaged areas on the lawn or garden beds. This will force the moles to change their habitat.
Before trying the method, think about the risks: harsh detergent can harm the plants.
Build a special fence
Dig a trench 50-60 cm deep along the perimeter of the site. Install slate or galvanized mesh vertically into the recess. The material should protrude 15–20 centimeters above the ground. Bury the moat itself.
The trench can also be covered with gravel. The rock will create a barrier through which the mole cannot enter garden or to the garden. The main condition is that the width of the protective strip must be at least 30 cm.
Buy a humane trap
Choose a structure that will help you catch the animal, but will not harm it. A mole-pipe is suitable, it is also called the trap of Solomon. It is a hollow cylinder with flaps that only open inward.
The device is installed along the tunnel and becomes its continuation. The top of the device is covered with turf. Check the trap regularly with gloves on. If you catch a mole, drive it a few kilometers away from residential areas and release it.
Try an ultrasonic repeller
This device sends low-frequency ultrasonic waves into the ground, which causes the moles to leave. Some models are solar powered and look like pegs. Such devices are simply inserted into the ground. The advantage of scarers is that they do not need to be constantly watched.
Keep in mind: marketplaces have both positive and negative reviews for such devices. Some owners note that they did not notice the effect.
Plant odorous plants
Place plants around the perimeter of the area, the smell of which is unpleasant to moles. Daffodils, marigolds, imperial hazel grouses, onions and castor oil plants will do. Please note that the latter is dangerous for children and pets.
Make a compost pit
This method simply helps to distract the moles from the vegetable garden or garden, and not completely get rid of the animals. Earthworms will start in the ground under the compost, so the animals will look for food in this area.
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