The problems of thin people are discussed on the web
Miscellaneous / / July 31, 2021
Apart from the lack of clothes of the right size.
There is a new interesting one on Reddit thread. In it, users discuss the problems of thin people - judging by the surprise in the comments, many did not even think about this. This is what they complained about the most.
1. "My heartbeat is visible through my skin, and it pushes people away from me" - squeemlish
2. “If you're a guy and weigh a little, you are less respected. The laws of nature continue to work and men respect only men who can defeat them in a fight, we have not gone too far from monkeys, " SaberX91
3. “People try to be careful not to joke about fat people if it might offend someone. But you can joke about the thin ones as you like ", - thatkmart
4. “When a cat sits on its knees, it can fall into the gap between the thighs. And it releases its claws to hold on ", - biscuitboy89
5. "You have to add holes in the belts" - New_Satisfaction2566
6. “We can place anywhere. When you are a builder, this is a problem. " ItsaMehlhorn
7. "Putting your head on my shoulder is like lying down on a sharp stone" - derpado514
8. "Crashing into something is 10 times more painful, because bones do not soften the blow", - arrow100605
9. "In the car, you are the one who always has to sit in the center in the back seat", - _Lukas_F_
10. “Boots do not fit in the shins all the time,” - raidernationcarr
Read also🧐
- Why body positivity can be harmful and how to avoid extremes
- How to talk to your child about weight so as not to grow complexes
- Someone else's body is none of your business. Why people have the right to look the way they want