Working for your Mac in the office, in a café or at home, you will inevitably encounter a situation where you need to move away from the computer. At the same time, it is highly desirable to make sure that no one can gain access to your the Mac, while you are away and do not control the situation.
Fortunately, OS X - an advanced system that allows you to protect your PC against overly attentive prying eyes. For this there are two options - automatic withdrawal from your account after a specified time and blocking the password screen. Here's how to configure them.
Configuring automatic withdrawal from your account
Please forgive me for the long title, but in Russian or not say. I usually use the English language in the system as the primary and therefore instead of "out of the account," faced with the delicate «log out». And since our dear readers tend to poke the authors protruding body parts in flimsy Anglicisms, I allow myself to neglect this dubious pleasure.
So, automatic withdrawal from an account is configured as follows:
- Open the "System Preferences"
- Select "Privacy and Security"
- Right-bottom you will find the "Advanced" tab. If it is inactive, "open" password lock to the left
- In the menu that opens, check the box "Exit after" and set a convenient time interval in minutes
After the computer yourself leaving your account, all the documents and the application will be suspended. However, on OS X, beginning of Lion, there Resume function, which will submit all applications and documents in its previous form after booting the computer. Plus is that the way out of the account unload processes from memory. So, Mac can run at full capacity in parallel, the guest account. By the way, remember to adjust the «Find my Mac» in the guest uchetki. You never know what can happen.
Setting a password lock screen
Again, the English conciseness have not found anything better than "Close the screen." And we, the Russian tradition, the screen will freeze, and even password. Make it very, very simple, just need to press Control + Shift + Eject or, for those with MacBook Air, Control + Shift + Power.
After that, the screen goes blank, and access to it can be obtained only by entering a password on the current account.
What good is this approach, rather than an automatic withdrawal from my account? This is done immediately - it is necessary only to press the desired combination. And guest users do not have access to a computer - on the screen, they will see only prompted to enter a password.
But there are also disadvantages. The system does not release the resources, it's just a screen lock. In addition, you have to always use a keyboard shortcut, and after all, you can do this automatically, but after some time away.