Pavel Durov compared the iPhone with the Middle Ages
Miscellaneous / / May 20, 2021
And he criticized Apple smartphones for outdated hardware and being tied to the ecosystem.
The official Telegram blog of Pavel Durov has a new one fastdedicated to investigation New York Times on Apple's involvement in massive surveillance and censorship at China's request. It's sad, he says, but not surprising as companies often choose profit over freedom.
He also criticizes Apple products and its closed ecosystem, arguing that the main thing in which Apple has succeeded is in imposing their business model based on the sale of obsolete hardware at an inflated price to buyers locked in it ecosystem.
He describes his experience with this technique as follows:
Every time I need to use my iPhone to test the iOS version of an app, it feels like I'm in the Middle Ages. IPhone displays with 60Hz refresh rates cannot compete with modern 120Hz displays, which support much smoother animations.
Pavel Durov
founder of Telegram
However, worst of all, according to Durov, are not at all bulky devices or outdated hardware. Apple is turning users into digital slaves by forcing them to use apps only through the App Store and backups only through iCloud. And therefore, the author concludes, it is not at all surprising that the Chinese government likes Apple's totalitarian approach to its ecosystem.
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- Pavel Durov recalled the danger of WhatsApp, through which the richest man on the planet was hacked
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