WhatsApp will not disconnect accounts after May 15
Miscellaneous / / May 07, 2021
But the service will not give up the fight for your data either.
The popular messenger WhatsApp has raised a solid wave of outrage after the announcement of a new privacy policy (which essentially obliges users to share data with Facebook). The controversial update has been postponed several times, but it will take effect on May 15.
Previously, it was assumed that the activities of user accounts that do not accept the new rules before May 15, will be suspended until they give their consent. Now the management of the messenger backed down and made the following statement:
While most of the users who received the new terms of use accepted them, we understand that some still did not have the opportunity to do so.
We will not delete any accounts on May 15th, and none of them will lose WhatsApp functionality after the update. We will only be sending reminders to people over the next few weeks.
In short, you can continue to use your account, but you will be strongly encouraged to accept the changes (Facebook can
be persistent). What will happen to the accounts, even if after these "several weeks" you do not give up, is not yet specified.May 17 major TV series: new Star Wars, Love, Death and Robots and The Food Block
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