With the introduction of iCloud all self-respecting developers have added to their program of cloud synchronization. And if earlier it refers to innovative technologies, now such a feature is considered the norm. With popular applications there are no problems - the majority of them supports iCloud, but what about the little-known and highly specialized programs? Or, if you use multiple Macs, one of them an old man and just do not know how to work with iCloud. This problem can be solved by using Dropbox!
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through Dropbox synchronization application is also useful for backing up data and configuration programs in the cloud. But the main problem, which we will address - have the same tools on different computers.
The essence of this synchronization is that we move the folder to the application settings in the cloud, create a link to it and put the link to the folder where the settings originally stored our application. Sounds confusing than it looks in reality. Do not worry - now everything is laid out on shelves.
We find the program folder and drag them to the cloud
All installed applications store internal data (documents, settings, cache, various service information) in a special folder in your home directory.
The first step is find the folder that stores the data of the desired application to us. For each application, they will be different, but here are the most commonly used of these places:
/ Library / Application Support /
/ Users / username / Library / Application Support /
Be sure to backup her somewhere in a safe place! Now copy our daddy in Dropbox, and the original is deleted or renamed.
Create a symbolic link
To create such a link can be in many ways, and very simple. I prefer to use the terminal, so it looks like the team to create a symbolic link:
ln -s put_k_originalu destination folder
everything is simple here:
- ln command to create links;
- -s key, which indicates that it is necessary to create a symbolic link;
- put_k_originalu We set the path to the folder that you are going to synchronize;
- destination folder We set the path to the folder where the original is stored;
If you are afraid of the terminal, you can use special tools, such free SymLinker.
Here, similarly to set the path to the folder in the cloud, then the folder where the original should be based, and click the button "Create link".
Let's look at the whole procedure on the intended installation example. For clarity, I have taken the built-in OS X "Contacts". In real life, this is unlikely someone will need, but for example, will fit.
1. We find the folder you want, in my case:
~ / Library / Application Support / AddressBook /
2. Copy it to the Dropbox. I created a separate AppBackup folder for this purpose. After copying, you can delete or rename the original.
3. Create a symlink. We use the terminal:
ln -s ~ / Dropbox / AppBackup / AddressBook ~ / Library / Application Support /
or SymLinker:
4. We check the result of our work. If done right - the app will download the settings and data from the cloud. I'm logged in under uchetki guest synced Dropbox and open the address book - all my contacts were in place.
Here's an interesting method that is useful for backups on different computers and synchronization applications. If the application is cross platform, you can work in a familiar environment, even of different operating systems. And so, instead of Dropbox, you can use any other store.