How to choose a juicer for fruit and vegetables
Tips / / December 19, 2019
citrus juicer
Make juice only from oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes and tangerines. Fruits should be cut in half and put flesh down on the ribbed cone. When pressed on the top of the fruit juice is produced and drains into the reservoir.
- Benefits. Compact and easy to use. Cheaper than the centrifugal and screw.
- Disadvantages. Not universal, suitable only for citrus. Juice can not be stored for future use.
How to choose
Citrus juicers are manual, mechanical and electrical.
Hand - the cheapest, but inefficient: with them one glass of juice will need more fruit.
Mechanical work at the expense of the lever, which allows you to put less physical effort and get more juice.
Electric juicers allow the juice to squeeze out the maximum. Their thickness is typically of 20-80 watts. The more powerful device, the faster will the juice.
Pay attention to whether there is a complete arm that holds the fruit in the spin time, and nozzles of different sizes. They need at least three: a small nozzle for lime and lemon, middle - to orange, big - for grapefruit.
Another useful feature - the presence of the reverse. When it is, the motor rotates the nozzle juicer is not in one but in both directions, to and from the fruit juice is greater. In expensive models have a function of pulp control. It can be adjusted by making the juice thicker or vice versa.
container volume in these juicers is usually no more than 1-1.2 liters, because the juice from citrus fruits is rapidly oxidized and loses its beneficial properties. His need to drink fresh, within 5-10 minutes after cooking. If you do just a glass of juice at a time, choose a juicer smaller volume. If you cook the juice for the whole family - take a larger capacity.
centrifugal juicers
Suitable for making juice from firm fruit and vegetables. Fruits are loaded into the neck, grater disc inside crushes them into small particles, after which they fall to the centrifuge separator, where the juice is released from the resulting slurry.
- Benefits. The main plus centrifugal juicer - its performance. It works fast and cope with large amounts of fruits and vegetables. Juice can do with a stock - for example, in the winter.
- Disadvantages. Loud running, it is not suitable for soft fruits (banana, apricot, mango, papaya). Juice is obtained from the foam, and there is less vitamins than in whole fruits and vegetables have been due to the high spin speed it is heated, longer reacts with oxygen and is oxidized faster
How to choose
Centrifugal juicers are of two types: with straight and taper separator. Cylindrical gives more juice, but during operation it must be stopped and cleaned of oil cake (residues of fruits and vegetables). The new models manufacturers increasingly abandon this design in favor of a conical.
Conical separator squeezes the juice a little worse, but it works without stopping: cake automatically removed in a special container. Wash this juicer still difficult: it is necessary to disassemble, wash all removable parts and then reassembled. There are exceptions - for example, juicer SC-JE50S45 with self-cleaning function. After use, you need to translate it in Clean mode, and a special scraper to clean the filter itself.
Pay attention to the power, volume and dimensions of the container juicer. The more juice you plan to cook, the higher these parameters. Do not chase performance and soberly assess their needs: perhaps you overpay too much power that you do not need.
If you need to process every summer, 30 kg of apples, take a juicer capacity of 1 500-2 000 watts, and if you just like to drink a glass of juice in the morning, you can get power up to 200-500 watts.
But the size of the mouth of the juicer everything is clear: the larger it is, the better. The neck 7-8 cm in diameter, you can download the whole fruit and not waste time cutting.
auger juicer
Suitable for all types of fruit, vegetables, herbs, nuts, and sprouted grains. According to the principle of operation similar to a meat grinder: fruit and vegetables are crushed by a screw - mechanism similar to a screw. Under pressure generated juice, after which it is separated from the cake and is fed into the container.
- Benefits. Make cold pressed juice. During cooking it is not heated and does not oxidize, it can be stored in the refrigerator up to two days. He is richer, sweeter and contains more pulp.
- Disadvantages. Less powerful than the centrifugal and slower. They are difficult to take apart and wash, the neck is narrow in most models.
How to choose
Screw juicer different housing materials power capacity containers for juice and pomace, and additional functions.
Stainless steel housing reliable and more durable than plastic.
The minimum size of containers for juice and pomace - 350 ml. Power ranges from 200 to 400 watts. If you do juice for the whole family - take the model to 400 watts with the container 0.8-1 liter and liter reservoir for juice, as in Scarlett SC-JE50S43. If you only have one glass of juice in the morning - suitable compact juicer Scarlett SC-JE50S39 with a 350 ml container and 200 watts.
Look for models with a wide neck: they are easier to use. For example, juicers Scarlett SC-JE50S44 throat diameter of 7.5 cm, and at Scarlett SC-JE50S40 - 8 cm.
To wash the auger juicer, you need to get all the removable parts and wash them under water. Included is a special brush for cleaning. For convenience, some models are equipped with an easy disassembly of the system - when the items are not removed one by one, and at the same time. This allows you to do everything in the sink and dirty dishes.
Some screw juicers do not only juices and smoothies, but also sorbets. The juicer Scarlett SC-JE50S41 sorbet is made in the same way as juice: cast your neck in the frozen fruit and dessert get a useful output.
- Auger juicer most functional and make the most useful juice. They are suitable for all types of fruit, vegetables, herbs and nuts, but are expensive.
- Centrifugal juicers are the most powerful and fit to cope with crop dacha. But they consume a lot of energy, work out loud, do not retain all of the vitamins, are only suitable for hard fruits and vegetables.
- Citrus juicer most inexpensive and compact, but not suitable for all fruit.
Juicer for the recipe: Competition Layfhakera and Scarlett
Share a recipe or sorbet juice from fruits, berries and vegetables and win one of the six Juicer Scarlett. Click on the form below, log in by using the profile "VKontakte" or Facebook and send a prescription.
Describe in detail the process of cooking - so you will have more chances to win a prize. The authors of the three best recipes for juices and sorbets top three recipes will receive a juicer Scarlett. Results will be announced on September 18 in a separate article on Layfhakere. All recipes we collect on a special page, there you will find detailed information about prizes.
Learn more about the contest