Draft: the best service to collaborate on the lyrics and version control
Tips Web Services / / December 19, 2019
If you know what the joint work on the texts, it is likely that you know about the problems associated with such work. The majority of people to work together with the texts in GoogleDocs. You write the text and give access to it to other people. What happens next? Then your colleagues make changes to the text, and you can not see them. If you use the service Draft, all changes will be made to colleagues in their own copies of the document, and you will claim one or another of the changes or reject them. In this case, you will clearly see the places where there are changes and who made them. It looks like this:
The service is very easy to sign up and also just share the link to the document to his colleagues. To register, you just have to write your email and password. And you can immediately get to work.
When you click the icon lodge in the upper left corner, you see the main menu.
Here you can share your document with colleagues.
Or, ask the advice of professionals by clicking on Ask pro button. True, I think that is an option only for English texts.
So, if you are working together on the same text, giving a reference to it to colleagues, you will be extremely easy to ignore these changes, take them or merge - all very clearly.
Helps you find your old texts
quite difficult to search previous versions of your text using iCloud and Google Docs. How do you find an older version of the project that you removed, and now want to return to it?
The Draft as the work on your document, you can save a version, then to be able to return to them.
If you suddenly want to see how your document is changed with the passage of time in your hands a powerful tool to do this.
Work with popular cloud services
Draft allows you to import documents from popular cloud services such as Dropbox, Evernote, Box, Google Drive.
Use Draft to edit documents, share your result with your colleagues or friends, and manage their revisions introduced. Everything that you do with the imported document will be synchronized with the cloud account, from which you imported the dock.
For example, if you import documents from Evernote, and then used the Draft to complete it, then you will always get a copy of the revised document back to your Evernote-account.
This is only a small part of what you can do with Draft. I advise this service to all the teams who write, besides it's free.