Macintosh 128K was the first computer which was presented by Apple. Golden Apple - a replica of a classic device, made of walnut and complemented by unique details. The result was not only beautiful, but luxurious and stylish computer.
The first Macintosh 128K was quite nice, but it's still rough. He looked like a small block of modest beige. Introduced in 1984, the Macintosh 128K long been a cult device. So it remains today, after more than 30 years. Perhaps that is why the designers are still found in it inspiration.
design bureau Love HulténIn the portfolio which you can find many retro cues classical devices, has created its own version of the Macintosh 128K. Molded plastic casing, it was decided to replace the shell of walnut. In this case, the dimensions remain unchanged, and the size of the Golden Apple is exactly the same as that of the Macintosh 128K. Handle integrated in the upper part of the body, also remained in place - it is used for lifting the unit.
Golden Apple mouse wireless chosen, but the keyboard - mechanical, and connected it to a computer in a wire winding soft chocolate color. Keys made of gold-plated and zinc. All the other parts are made of brass. On the computer is the Apple logo case.
Golden Apple for the work meets the latest version of the Mac Mini. Floppy disk, however, to insert into it will not work: This item is replaced by DVD-ROM drive. The rest of the design is almost identical replica of the original and the mixture is an ideal design and nostalgic. The computer is made in a single copy, and its cost is not stated.
Based on materials CNet, Love Hultén.