10 things to do once a year
A Life / / January 06, 2021
1. Check health
See a therapist even if nothing hurts. He will assess your condition and make recommendations according to your age, heredity and lifestyle. Perhaps he will send him for tests if he suspects some kind of illness at an early stage. But visit the dentist more often - once every six months. This is necessary in order to heal small holes in time and make professional teeth cleaning.
Also check yourself your physical shape. Do some exercises and measure your results. Each of them may have their own parameters: for example, for some people speed is more important, while for others - flexibility. In any case, this is a good way to understand what needs to be worked on.
Find out more🏥
- How to check your health for free
2. Take your pet to the vet
Perhaps all pet owners dream so that they can talk. Including to report your well-being. Until people have learned how to translate meowing, barking, and chirping into human language, it's best to rely on preventive measures. Experts advise taking your pet for inspection.
to the vet once a year, and if the cat or dog is more than seven years old, then once every six months. The doctor will make tests and the necessary vaccinations - this will help to detect problems in time or prevent them altogether.3. Analyze your finances
Financial health also needs to be monitored. So once a year evaluate your financial situation and set new goals if you have reached the old ones. See how conditions have changed in banks. Perhaps you will find better deals on cards, deposits and other services. Check your credit history as well. This will come in handy if you plan to take out a loan or mortgage in the near future.
Study the question🤔
- How to check your credit history
4. Do general cleaning
Disassemble the accumulated things and get rid of what has become unnecessary. Gradually go through all the cabinets and shelves: with clothes, dishes, books, food. Do not forget to look into the drawers where you usually put all sorts of small things: there will probably be something in them that it is time to get rid of.
Move the refrigerator, stove and washing machine away from the walls and thoroughly wash behind them - usually we do not pay attention to these places and a lot of dust and debris accumulates there. Think about where else you rarely clean, and clean up those places.
5. Clean up digital life
Parse mail, documents and photos, remove unnecessary applications, movies and music. Then go through your social media and unsubscribe from those with whom you stopped communicating or whom you are simply no longer interested in reading. At the same time, check your privacy settings and the rights of different applications.
- 7 programs that will clean up your files
6. Clean carpets and upholstery
This can be done during general cleaning, or it can be done separately - so as not to take on everything at once. Carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture pick up dust and pet hair, even if you vacuum regularly. So pick a day when your family won't bother you and arm yourself with cleaning products. Ideally, you need a special carpet steam cleaner or vacuum cleaner with this function. Treat the stains and let the cleaner work. Then move the furniture off the carpet and start cleaning.
Sofas and armchairs would also be good to use a steam cleaner. Test on an inconspicuous spot before applying the product to all upholstery and make sure it doesn't spoil the color. Try not to add too much of it, so that the fabric does not get wet: due to excess moisture, mold.
7. Check the wheels of the car
In general, how often your car is checked and repaired depends on how much you drive. But every average car enthusiast should check the wheel alignment once a year. Correctly adjusted wheel alignment greatly affects the stability and control of the machine. In addition, this is reflected in the details inside, so that by doing the preventive maintenance on time, you will save time and money.
- 20 life hacks to keep your car perfectly clean
8. Remembering what seemed impossible last year
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation from which, at first glance, there is no way out. Nevertheless, we learn from it and move on. Remind yourself of what seemed overwhelming and impossible before. This will allow you to see that you are able to cope with a variety of problems and not get hung up on difficulties.
9. Go where you've never been
This may be a new city for you, a country or even a corner in your area, which you have long wanted to see, but still could not find time for it. Even if you have a very busy schedule, try to afford at least one travelto recharge. You will receive new impressions and emotions, expand your horizons, and meet new people.
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10. Asking yourself if you are happy
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we forget about it, so check yourself once a year. If the answer is no, consider what you need to do to change your life and become happier. Then go ahead.
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