Adaptation of eyes to darkness: as soon get used?
Tips / / December 19, 2019
As soon as the light is switched off, the person loses the ability to focus. Even in his apartment, he constantly stumbles, fumbles his hands on the wall and smacks of subjects table, and stepping into the dark entrance with lit street at some time becomes helpless.
To eyes accustomed to the darkness, should take 5 to 20 minutes, but there are ways to reduce the time and make a night vision sharper.
Preparation of a dark
First of all, getting used to the speed difference depends on the illumination. If a person is plunged into darkness of twilight, he will get used more quickly than if in a well lit room suddenly turned off the light.
Before the light is switched off, it is possible to prepare for the change (of course, if you know, when that happens). You just have to close your eyes for 20 seconds before you have to plunge into the darkness. To all this time did not go blind, you can close one eye.
For example, before you go to the entrance, you can prepare one eye to the lighting change and got into a dark room, to see all that can wait there.
peripheral vision
It is not necessary to look in the dark at one point - before the eyes is often a black spot, which closes the review. Without light vision severely strained and his eyes get tired quickly, so it makes sense not to stare intently - it is better to relax the eyes and how to "cover" view of the object.
Slightly tilt your head and looking at the corner of his eye objects, you see them clearer and brighter than it will be hard to consider one thing. In addition, it is necessary from time to time to close your eyes for 5-10 seconds, so that the muscles do not overexert.
Soviet development
Even in the middle of the XX century the Institute of Psychology of the RSFSR Academy of Pedagogical methods have been developed that help for a short time to improve vision in the dark. These methods are still relevant to this day.
1. Full exhalation and a series of deep, sharp breaths.
Deep breathing during 5 minutes brain enriches oxygen and then not only acute vision, but also hearing.
2. Sweet or sour-sweet candy or chewing gum. Taste stimulants improve night vision, and chewing movements are good for the circulation.
3. Washing with cold water and light exercises. Sudden change of temperature sharpens vision for a short time, but a series of simple exercises helps to improve blood circulation and sensitivity of the whole.
5. Training the eye muscles.
Alternately looking at near and far objects, you train the muscles of the eye and are adapting them to a dark room.
experience scouts
In the history of the scouts and snipers we have developed many different ways to help sharpen vision in the dark.
If you are in nature, the best way is to look at the stars. Looking at the starry sky for about 10 minutes, you will gradually notice that the stars became larger. So vision sharpened and tuned, and if at the same time you will be sitting, the darkness will be twice as less impenetrable. The position of sitting in the dark can be seen much better.
The inclusion of white light from a car's headlights, fire or lantern, even for a short time, would nullify all your trying to see better in the dark, so if you know that now engage flashlight or headlamp, better squinting. But the red light does not cause any harm - after him would have to get used to the darkness.
The last rule is for those who want to see better in the dark - no smoking.
After the smoked cigarette vessels constrict, reduced visual acuity and overall sensitivity.