New Time Management: Enables ignoring mode time
Tips / / December 19, 2019
The ability to manage your time art is not a simple one. And not everyone can master it immediately. You can read thousands of books on the subject, to try a lot of techniques and feel that you are still missing something. Here it is necessary to stop and watch a bit of work on the part. Then you can see some interesting moments. For example, the clock will not help, on the contrary, take your time.
Try to count how many times you look at your watch when doing the job? Especially when time is very short, but do need a lot. Time-consuming rather than glancing at his watch as the psychological state during continuous proschityvaniem funneling seconds or, on the contrary, the illusory nature of the presence of extra time.
For example, going to work or school, you give yourself to the charges a certain amount of time. And it is enough to everything you need - to collect things, take a shower, have breakfast, etc. But during all this, you constantly keep an eye on the clock to figure out if you have time. You may find that you can not only manage, but you still have a couple of extra minutes. Sometimes this is the case and you have time to do anything else. But more often it ends final assembly in a hurry and a gentle stroll to the bus stop or subway station. Sound familiar, right?
What to do? Yes, just try to ignore the time, at least occasionally. If you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently, constant glancing at the clock, and the illusory nature of extra time will not help you do all the time. It is much better to focus on the job and try to do everything to the maximum.