Dachshund: breed description, character, care and more
Educational Program A Life / / January 05, 2021
general information
- Breed name: dachshund.
- Country of origin: Germany.
- Weight: up to 9-10 kilograms.
- Height at withers: up to 28 cm.
- Average life expectancy: 12-14 years old.
- Price: from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles and more.
What dachshunds look like
Breed appeared in Germany several centuries ago and is considered the oldest burrow. Initially, these dogs were used to hunt badgers and other animals, but now they have gained popularity as pets around the world.
DachshundsDACHSHUND - short dogs with short legs. Their body is elongated, but compact and muscular. The head is elongated, evenly tapering towards the nose, but not pointed. The muzzle is long, wide enough and strong. The ears are set high, but not too protruding forward, while they are long, rounded and mobile, with the front edges adjacent to the cheekbones.
Dachshunds are divided into several types according to the type of coat: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. The colors are different.
At the same time, regardless of the size of wool, there are three types of dachshunds. One of the key criteria is the chest girth, which is measured at
animals over 15 months:- Standard: chest girth in males - from 37 to 47 cm; in bitches - from 35 to 45 cm.
- Miniature: chest girth in males - from 32 to 37 cm; in bitches - from 30 to 35 cm.
- Rabbit: chest girth in males - from 27 to 32 cm; in bitches - from 25 to 30 cm.
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What is the character of dachshunds
Representatives of this breedDachshund bold, quick-witted, curious and quite active. They love to dig, chase after game and follow its trail.
In the family, dachshunds are devoted friends who love to spend time in a person's company and enthusiastically participate in all matters. Dogs get along well with strangers, although sometimes they can show modesty, avoid communication and even growl at those whom they see for the first time. Especially timid with strangers miniature dogs. If the dachshund thinks that the owners are in danger, it will rush to the defense without hesitation.
Representatives of this breed are happy to play with children. But at first, do not leave the dog and the child unattended for a long time. Dogs are not always patient with children's pranks and in rare cases they can snap or growl, but usually nothing more.
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As soon as the dog appears in the house, immediately give it its own place. It can be a mattress or a bed, which is easy to choose at any pet store. And so that the dog does not get bored, you can offer him different toys.
Another important point: make sure your home is animal-safe.
Due to potential back problems, it is best for dachshunds to refrain from jumping and walking up stairs.
So, if there are steps in the house, it is better to close the dog's access to them. For example, you can use a safety gate that is designed for children. The jumping problem is also solvable. So, veterinarian Gemia Tracy advises7 Ways to Treat and Prevent Back Problems in Dachshunds install special "ramps" so that the dog can easily climb onto the sofas.
But do not completely limit the activity of the animal and prevent it from frolicking. Dachshunds, like dogs of other breeds, need regular walks and exercise. Such leisure will help to throw out all the accumulated energy, and also contribute to the strengthening of the back muscles.
It is advisable to walk with dogs of this breed every day, twice. Also try to avoid the stairs on your way outside and while walking. According to Dr. Todd Skene7 Ways to Treat and Prevent Back Problems in Dachshunds, stairs - one of the main difficulties in the life of dachshunds. Therefore, if possible, it is better to carry the dog upstairs on your hands, or at least minimize such obstacles. Of course, completely eliminating stair climbing is unlikely to work, but it is within your power to limit it.
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How to feed a dachshund
The health and longevity of the dog largely depends on the diet, so you need to carefully approach its choice. At first, it is best to feed the food that the puppy is used to in the breeder's house. Otherwise, the dog will simply not eat or he will have digestive problems. After a while, the diet can be gradually changed.
It is permissible to give dachshunds different food. The easiest option is a ready-made feed of good quality, which contains everything that is needed for the animal's body. Moreover, manufacturers offer universal diets for different ages and special diets for dogs that have health problems.
A more time consuming option is natural food that is specially prepared for the dog. This diet is based on meat, offal and vegetables. As for the food we are used to, it is not at all suitable for dogs, even if it is absorbed with appetite. Some dishes do harmful to animals, for example, everything that is spicy, smoked, pickled and more.
Don't overfeed your pet.
Due to being overweight, he can live a couple of years less, besides, there is a high risk of developing diabetes, obesityDachshund, heart, breathing and back problems. Moreover, for the occurrence of an additional load on the body, it is enough for the weight to exceed the norm by only 10%. So feed the dog according to the chosen schedule and do not give food "on demand", no matter how plaintively the dog asks.
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How to care for a dachshund
The easiest way to cope with a smooth-haired dachshund: you can wipe it with a regular terry towel or a special brush. For long-haired dogs, brush them out at least a couple of times a week. For wire-haired people, once a week is enough. The procedure will often have to be performed during molts, which usually occur in spring and autumn.
Bathe your dog no more than several times a year, using only special products that are sold in pet stores.
All dachshunds need regularly trim claws. Particular attention should be paid to the ears: regularly examine them and clean them as they become dirty using the products intended for this.
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What are dachshunds sick with?
One of the main health problems of this breedDachshund Is an intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Dachshunds can also suffer from diabetes, volvulus, slipping patella syndrome, keratoconjunctivitis dry, Cushing's syndrome, deafness, and other diseases.
Pay attention to your pet's condition. If your dachshund suddenly refuses to eat, becomes lethargic, limps, or has other suspicious symptoms, do not delay a visit to the vet. Also, do not forget about vaccinations and other preventive measures.
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What to look for when buying a tax
When choosing a puppy, decide on your plans for him. Potential champions and prize-winners of exhibitions are represented in the "show" class. However, there are many such dogs. Choose puppies for breeding from the "breed" class. And if you just want a purebred pet, buy a pet class dog. These animals are completely healthy, but not suitable for a show career and breeding, but they are cheaper.
Be sure to visit the breeder before buying. See the conditions in which the animals are kept and read the documents. It is important that everyone puppies (and not just the one you liked) were vigorous, active, clean and well-fed. If the conditions of detention are in doubt or the animals look sick, it is better to refrain from buying.
When making a deal, make sure to get all documents with your dog. You must be given a dachshund veterinary passport, where there are notes on the vaccinations made, as well as a metric (puppy card), in exchange for which you can get a pedigree. It is desirable to conclude contract of sale, in which all aspects are clearly spelled out.
Of course, you can buy a puppy without documents. These taxes are often offered on bird markets and classifieds sites. But the purchase in this case is quite risky, because no one guarantees that the dog is healthy and has no problems with heredity. If you still dare, first of all visit the veterinary clinic.
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