Firefox extensions for bloggers: Part 2. Postopisatelstvo
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Gathering information using tools that we have described in the last issue, it's time to write another blog post. Many use it for the web interface of the engine, the other - a third-party customers (which usually cost money). There are extensions for Firefox, which can take over posting.
Scribefire - Earlier this plugin called Perfomancing, is now Scribefire. It supports multiple blog accounts and source code editor. Work with FTP support, but somehow crooked and work with images in need of optimization.
Deepest Sender - similar to the previous plug-in, with the same advantages and disadvantages. Very lacks support tagging posts.
Resizable Text Area - plug-in to extend the text box of your editor, which goes to the engine blog.
Spellbound and google Toolbar - spell check directly in the browser window. Do not forget about the judges in the latest versions of Firefox.
Split Browser - plug-in for dividing promsotra screen on any part.
Copy Plain Text - highlighting the rich text with links, you often need only the text, so you do not clean the tags. This plugin turns any text into the text only without formatting.
Copy As HTML Link - Copy links and text, so that later you can insert any text or a link or text with a link.
In the next issue, the final, we will talk about plugins for working with images.