13 tips how to start a conversation
Tips / / December 19, 2019
How much do you think you are a good man? How long have you told there were awkward pauses? A few tips described in this material will help you become a better conversationalist, and awkward pauses thing of the past. Being a good conversationalist - it is but a combination of different methods of communication. Body language, a few tricks and you will be able to ease to converse with any people.
Begin by asking
You want people to remember you? Ask him an interesting question, and listen carefully. This will give you an opportunity to make friends.
Read other people's opinion
For instance:
- Could you recommend me a good cocktail?
- You know the city well? Do not tell me a good restaurant?
- Where did you buy this phone / accessory / clothing?
- What do you think about this party?
The application of economic concepts to the conversation
Imagine that your conversation - a bank. If you have a lot of investment - so things are going well. If loans are more than investment, it is necessary to change something. Transferring this metaphor to communicate, we get this.
emotional attachments
- Agree with someone
- Proper body language
- Use the person's name
- Tell jokes
- Encourage ideas interlocutor
- Listen attentively
- ask the opinion
emotional loans
- I disagree with someone
- Wrong body language
- Lots of talk about yourself
- False
- Flattery
- Vulgar and personal issues
Imagine that your conversation begins with a zero balance and do everything to increase it!
Copying body language
The practice of copying body language can be very helpful. Your companion crossed his legs? Cross your own. He puts his hands on the table? Do the same. Everything is very simple. It is also very important time. Wait for the moment:
- When the interviewee says something interesting
- When you're wondering
- When the interlocutor somewhat proud
And then copy it. Man will assume that you empathize with him and it would be great if this is true.
How to talk about yourself and not be terribly boring
You can be incredibly charismatic and interesting person. But people just interested in listening to others, no matter how wonderful you were. If we continue to follow our economic concept, then you have to make an emotional attachment. Get to experience the emotions of the interlocutor, and he will be very interested in talking to you.
Change the depth of the conversation
You know the proverb: Small minds discuss people, average - events and great - ideas? Use it. Start small and make fun of someone, then ask the interlocutor opinion on any event, and then go to the ideas associated with this event. For instance:
Introduction: Hi, how was your day?
Event: Do you plan to Katya something for Valentine's Day?
The idea: I saw an article on the internet about how we have distorted Valentine's Day compared to its traditional meaning.
Ask the caller to be interesting
Each person is interesting in its own way, but very few people actually disclosed. So give them a chance to open up and they think only about you. Here is a simple example:
Tell me something interesting about yourself.
This is an excellent opportunity to start a conversation that will make you look more attentive and at the same time give an opportunity to learn about the man something really interesting.
How to ask people what they are doing
How do you spend your time when you do not ???
Instead of emptiness at the end should be something that you know about the person. Here are a few examples:
How do you spend your time when you do not write your blog exciting?
How do you spend your time when you do not sit on Facebook?
How do you spend your time when you do not go to the gym?
Be a good listener
If you asked me to give one piece of advice on how to become a good conversationalist, I would stop there. This is the most important part. Listen to the man. We are genuinely interested in what he says. Lead story interlocutor with questions. Be interested in them and he will be interested in your answer.
talk pace
Basically, the fast pace of conversation - a sign of nervousness and excitement, and a moderate pace - a sign of confidence. So try to talk at a moderate pace, but if your partner speaks at a rapid pace, copy it and speak well.
Correct change the subject
With all of this happened: you have something to discuss with your friends, but then breaks into your conversation and a third man drew the conversation to his side. It's annoying awful. But only if you do it wrong. You have to make an emotional attachment to the end of his monologue. It would distract attention and you will not look like an idiot, changing the subject. Example:
Chris: My son is a very good player.
I am: Cool! You once said that where he trained. My son recently earned a black belt in Karate and went to Korea for a student exchange program. After your son was training in Korea? Can you give me some advice?
In this dialogue, the emotional investment of a compliment Chris and his son. I changed the subject to the desired me to do it right.
Do the right compliments
Compliments - a very powerful tool if used correctly. The correct way to use compliments - making them about what a proud man. For instance:
- If a person is in good shape and it is obvious that he spends a lot of time in the gym, take a compliment about his figure.
- If a person is successful in his career, to compliment his creativity, business acumen and intelligence.
Do not compliment the quality of people if they did not achieve this on its own. Do not tell the beautiful girl that she is beautiful. She already knows it.
Combine friends
If you are at a party or social event, it is unlikely that you stand in one place. Most likely, you will be walking from one group of friends to another. If you see familiar faces in different groups, do not be afraid to invite them to talk together. Do this with a joke and stress-free. And then your friends will remember you as a very friendly person.