Ideal freelancer - is an unattainable ideal remote worker. Such a freelancer I want to kiss, and then give him his own sculpture, made of pure gold. Here are 10 simple rules that will help you get closer to the ideal.
1. He always picks up the phone and is available throughout the day on all channels of communication - the average response time to e-mail during the day is less than 4-10 minutes.
2. After each oral conversation, he sends a letter basic conversation with a brief listing of theses - because it shows that he understood everything.
3. is he It puts real terms and never misses a little before the appointed - as a result there is time for review and correction.
4. He has fixed price list for all types of workIt performs, and the price tag can be viewed independently.
5. Ideal freelancer knows how much it costs, and does not ask for more. professional distinguishes professional pricing.
6. He asks questions "Why?", "Why is so and not otherwise?" And "Who should do it? 'To work, rather than after. And he always has a backup plan.
7. ideal freelancer teaches customer (and not vice versa).
8. is he not begin work before fully understand and love her.
9. Never taken for the work that he can not make a quality or term. And He knows the measure and never gaining too much work.
10. is he Dear customers and on friendly terms with him, but it shares the work and friendship.
Of course, the perfect freelancer much more rules and characteristics (about 82,384,927,492,347 - a ballpark figure). However, implementation of these 10 points is quite sufficient grounds for obtaining their own golden statue.