Mobvoi has unveiled its new TicPods ANC fully wireless headphones. Their main feature is the active noise cancellation system. It can operate in three modes: Quiet Mode, Sound-Passthrough Mode and ANC-Off. The first completely absorbs extraneous noise (up to 35 dB), the second allows you to hear the surroundings, and the third turns off noise suppression, leaving only passive sound insulation.
The headphones themselves are of the in-ear type - they have silicone ear cushions of a very unusual shape, which ensure a secure fit in the auricle. The 13mm drivers are responsible for the sound quality. Each earpiece has two microphones.
Mobvoi TicPods ANC connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth 5.0, each earphone connects independently of the other. Music and incoming calls are controlled using touch zones on the outer surface of the headphones.
In terms of autonomy, 4.5 hours of listening to music with active noise cancellation are declared, 5 hours without it and up to 21 hours, taking into account the recharge from the battery in the case. The USB-C port is used to power the case. Also worth noting is the protection of the headphones according to the IPX5 standard - they are not afraid of sweat and rain.
And the best part is the price, which was only 90 euros (≈7,000 rubles). At the start, the headphones can buy with a 10 euro discount.
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