Face shield protects against coronavirus as well as medical masks
News / / January 03, 2021
According toMoving Personal Protective Equipment Into the Community According to scientists from the University of Iowa, a face shield reduces the risk of contracting COVID-19 by 96% if an infected person coughs in your face. And even if you are in contact with a sick person for 30 minutes, the shield will protect you by 80%.
In comparison, the effectiveness of disposable medical masks fluctuatesAssessment of Fabric Masks as Alternatives to Standard Surgical Masks in Terms of Particle Filtration Efficiency from 60 to 75%. For homemade cloth masks, this number varies.Simple Respiratory Protection — Evaluation of the Filtration Performance of Cloth Masks and Common Fabric Materials Against 20–1000 nm Size Particles depending on the material from 40 to 90%, and for a respirator it reaches 95%.
At the same time, the face shield has a couple more advantages: it is easy to breathe in it and it does not fog up.
The face shield does not need to be washed and waited to dry, it can be disinfected with soap and water or 70% alcohol as recommendedRational use of personal protective equipment for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and considerations for an acute shortage WHO. And it is reusable, unlike surgical masks. Yes, and it interferes with touching the face.
For optimal protection, a visor should completely cover your chin and forehead, so choose the correct size. Ideally, the visor should be worn with the mask. This will cover your mouth, face and eyes.
If you do not know where to buy such a shield, you can make it yourself using a simple instructions.
Coronavirus. Number of infected:
5 002 449
in the world308 705
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