Twitter user choco_bit, who has previously shared details about Apple's unannounced tech, shared a photo revealing the camera design of the iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max. It will still be a triple module - but this time it will be supplemented with a LiDAR scanner, which Apple first used in the new iPad Pro.
@appleinsider@MacRumors@ 9to5mac you guys excited about iPhone 12Pro and 12ProMax with Lidar?
- Fudge (@choco_bit) April 5, 2020
This sensor is capable of measuring the distance to surrounding objects within a radius of up to 5 meters. That being said, Ben Geskin, a renowned leak finder, considersthat augmented reality is not all that a scanner is capable of. It can enhance portrait mode, capture real-time bokeh video and scan real-world objects into high-quality 3D models right from your phone. He also published his concept iPhone 12 Pro with such a camera back in March.
* this is an original concept, not based on any actual or undisclosed Apple product
- Ben Geskin (@BenGeskin) March 18, 2020
Earlier, several sources said that the new flagship iPhones will receive a new depth sensor on the back, and it could very well be about LiDAR. The very same image of Concepts iPhone got it from the iOS 14 code that gave us earlier a lot of details about upcoming Apple releases.
Although there were rumorsthat in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, Apple will postpone the announcement of the iPhone 12 to 2020, last week several authoritative sources at once citing insiders reportedthat smartphones will still be released this year. As for the characteristics, the Pro models can get main camera with 64 megapixels and a more capacious battery. Whether the new flagships will have a "bang" is not yet clear.
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- Apple will release 5 iPhone models in 2020. Their characteristics are already known
- iPhone 12 will be the most expensive Apple smartphones. There are two reasons for this
- New iPad, top-end headphones, AirTag and more - Apple plans for 2020 revealed