If you liked so fonts available through Google Fonts service that all of them wanted to install on your Mac - no need to pull their tricks with the relevant catalog pages. There is a way to do it in one fell swoop and without unnecessary movements.
Open the "Terminal" and enter the following command:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qrpike/Web-Font-Load/master/install.sh | sh.
Pressing the enter button, wait about 200 megabytes downloaded to your computer and installed in the system fonts folder. All installed headsets will also be available through the utility "Fonts" and activated, that is immediately ready for use. It is important to remember, because in the last 3-5 minutes to your Mac is established over 1660 fonts that significantly prigruzami font preview mechanisms in the same "Photoshop" (which is why we recommend browsing feature set disable).
When Google Fonts will have new fonts, just run the same console command again (with the duplicates will not be installed). To delete all the Google Fonts font is a different team, "Terminal":
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qrpike/Web-Font-Load/master/uninstall.sh | sh.
After pressing the enter key, and after 10-20 seconds of all gugloshriftov will be over.