Tip from a reader: .LOG-trick for the "Notepad"
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Lifehacker.ru have already developed active community of readers who send links to interesting articles, as well as share their own secrets and tips. Igor Karpinski tells about a new way of using "Notepad". Here is his letter in full, as-is:
I want to share a trick that I use for a long time and with success. It is no secret that very often need to quickly write something. For example, a quote from a web page or phone number. Or who knows what else. There are two requirements: that would be fast, and what then could make out the mountain of records.
Many windows-users do not know that in the program "Notepad" is a simple little feature: if you write ".LOG", at the beginning of a text file each time you open a file thereof cursor will move to the end, and the current date will be automatically placed in front of him and time.
Accordingly, we start just a file Log.txt and take out the label in an easily accessible place for it (e.g., in the quick launch bar). Voila, a notebook ready.
Thanks Igor!