We protect traffic toonel.net
Tips / / December 19, 2019
In Russia there is not much common unlimited tariffs for broadband access, in many regions of the price of traffic is high enough. In such a situation it is necessary to use different ways to save bandwidth - set caching proxy surfing with images disabled (brrr!) And others. A temporary solution for many may be toonel.net.
The principle of operation is quite simple toonel.net. The user installs the client java-application, then programs that require access to the Internet (browsers, email clients, IM), configurable connection using a proxy server. Now, requests will be sent to Toonel.net servers and processed, and then you get the same page, but "weighs" less. "Economy", typically ranges from 20 to 40 percent.
Toonel.net - a cross-platform application, there are versions for Linux, Sun Solaris, Windows, Mac, Symbian, Windows Mobile. The program is free for non-commercial use.
A couple of important observations. Toonel.net reduces the speed of surfing, this is especially noticeable during peak hours. As with all sites, requires the provision of confidential data (web-money, online banking, etc.) and access to which is protected by a password, you must turn off the toonel.net - God saves man, who save himself.