6 of silly mistakes that tightened repair indefinitely
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Making repairs in the apartment, you may want to save on what you feel unimportant. But often such a "cutting corners" leads to bad consequences. We tell what you need to pay special attention not to spend a lot more than expected.
1. You are working without a clear plan
Any challenge better deal on the plan, including repairs. If you change the window after finishing works and stickers wallpaper, if you are installing the door before the connected equipment, and the outlet bought at the last moment, we have some bad news. Ahead you will find a lot of sad days in an attempt to find the time and money to correct these errors.
What to do
Create a checklist for repair: specify where the sequence of work and a list of purchases. Checklist can be carried out on paper, but if you're doing the task to someone else, it is more convenient to plan all actions in an application or web service. For example, suitable Trello or «Google Spreadsheets" for such purposes.
2. You choose only inexpensive materials
The desire to save - this is normal, if the economy is reasonable. Purchase of the cheapest glue wallpaper from an unknown manufacturer, because of which the road finishing material exfoliates in a month - it's a bad idea. As with most budget setting plastic windows, which are difficult to reconcile with the interior of the whole apartment and do not hold heat. In the end still have to fix these shortcomings - and this unplanned spending.
What to do
Learn as much as possible the proposals of different online stores. If the price of the goods suspiciously low, and reviews in the comments do not inspire confidence, it is an occasion to reflect. Make a list of materials that you want to buy, and consult with their builders and finishers. Often foreman team personally creates such a list, and he himself goes to the shops and the construction market, from the customer a certain amount. If this is your case, do not be lazy to learn what the foreman buys, where and at what prices.
3. You buy materials in five different locations
In the pursuit of profit, many are willing to travel a few shops, comparing prices of construction materials, furniture and equipment. But this difference is often offset by other expenses. It may be that in one place there are no delivery and the other porters, even money can not pick up purchases on the floor. And if you decide question with the delivery in the home, you are also wasting resources on a trip around the city, to buy in different stores.
What to do
Take time to calculate where you really advantageous to buy food, taking into account the cost of shipping. Suppose, on the wholesale market on the other side of town a bag of cement cost 30 rubles cheaper than building a hypermarket in your area. But you will spend more time shopping. And if the material would be of poor quality, will have to spend as much again to get it back.
The best option - to find a big warehouse store where you can buy and deliver all you need, at a time.
4. You save on performers
Not everyone is ready to hire competent professionals to carry out repairs: their services usually are not cheap. Fans of risk simply sorted by price proposals from artists or hired "friends of friends", who do not have the necessary experience and knowledge. It is only natural that, after a sudden drop in the plaster on the dining table or the detection of cracks in the laminate for such pseudo-repairers have to redo everything.
Even more bad option - try to fulfill all their own, not realizing at the same work the specifics. The most harmless, that can happen - a certain amount of material is simply spent in vain, and the repair will be delayed as a result. Worse, if your first attempt to deal with the electrician will lead to personal injury, and the neighbors below will become your enemy, because you have them regularly "drown."
What to do
Explore the average prices for the work you are interested in and look for a team in this range on the Internet. Carefully read reviews and study photos of completed projects. You should be alerted if the tiler enthusiastically flooring heated floors, and an expert on electrics claims may like wallpaper paste over the room for an hour. The team should be a clear division of labor.
5. You do not check the work teams
It is that homeowners have much trust hired workers and do not track the intermediate stages of the process. Of course, no need to interfere in everything and constantly monitor the professionals. But let things take their course in the hope that the professional council, and without you - not the best solution.
What to do
For the convenience of checking work is also desirable to make a check-list. The following items can be included depending on the specifics of it:
- The volume of materials used.
- Number of persons in the brigade.
- Following the work plan.
- Visual assessment and verification of functionality on all completed steps (staining of surfaces, floor leveling, installation of sockets, switches and valves).
In all cases, discrepancies with the reality of the plan (in a team of eight people, and operates two; It should have been enough of grout bag, and took four) ask the foreman of the repair team to explain the reasons.
6. You are too fast
Serious repairs entire apartment, with perekleivanie wallpaper, replacing the flooring and all plumbing, can be done in a couple of weeks. Some of the work may seem insignificant and fast in execution (eg, repair bathrooms). In reality, most of all, they can not be done in a couple of days. Constantly adjust the working does not help: it will affect the quality of the result.
What to do
Discuss in advance with the performers as possible and lay there all the possible delay, but within reasonable limits. Even far from the realities of building a person is clear that the new windows in the same room can not be changed for a month. Fix these agreements on paper and if the builders will delay the operation, refer to this document and ask for an explanation.
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