Twitter users have launched a new weird challenge #BenSoloChallenge. It is based on a spectacular scene from the movie Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise"where Ben Solo pulled out from behind his back the sword given to Rei.
What do you mean the #BenSoloChallenge is not about bringing me back
- Ben Solo (@AbsentOfLight) January 7, 2020
Challenge participants try to reproduce the scene with the sudden appearance of the sword, repeating Ben's funny gesture.
#bensolochallenge This is so much fun! I want to see as many of these from as many people as possible! (Credit to @ testtube27 for starting this whole thing)
- Jundland Jake (@JakeFromYavin) January 6, 2020
As if I wasn’t gonna do the #BenSoloChallenge as soon as I got back to England!
- George Webster (@GeorgeWebster) January 8, 2020
- AttackFox⚔️🦊 (@attack_fox) January 7, 2020
Finally made it home. This one has a little Ben Solo sweater nod, with a little Han Solo family flair.
- Krazie Unkie: Just a Sith Chimp named Brad (@KrazieUnkie) January 7, 2020
As it turned out, the lightsaber is not the main thing in this challenge. You need to get at least something from behind. They all had their own options.
I’m not Ben Swolo but whatever
- Steven (@stevenpistor) January 7, 2020
I think I nailed it
- georgia 🌙☀️ (@jonnybuckIand) January 7, 2020
Screw it why not!
- jess (@ Imperial77Acade) January 7, 2020
does this count
- leah (@leahhgood) January 7, 2020
The Diet Force is strong in my family.
- Achievement Hunter (@AchievementHunt) January 8, 2020
It's not the most graceful #BenSoloChallenge but then again it’s not the most graceful weapon either
- Veers Watch (@VeersWatch) January 7, 2020
My brother asked me to film him do the #BenSoloChallenge.
- Luis (@lessonswithluis) January 9, 2020
Ben Solo of Asgard. #BenSoloChallenge
👏🏽 to @ testtube27 for its origin.
- Matthew Bridges (@ MatthewBridges1) January 6, 2020
May The Force Pee With You.
- AmericanDad (@AmericanDadLive) January 7, 2020
#BenSoloChallenge from Russia with ❤️
- LindaNoul (@LindaNoul) January 6, 2020
More members - on Twitter by hashtag #BenSoloChallenge.
Read also🧐
- The Bottle Cap Challenge was launched on the Web. Not everyone can repeat
- There is a new challenge on the Web where you just need to raise a chair. It is easily repeated by girls, but not by men.