Roskomnadzor is officially today announced about lifting restrictions from the Telegram messenger. It will resume normal operation shortly. Given the fact that the department did not manage to completely stop his work, the reaction of the Network to this news was expected. Traditionally, they collected jokes, memes and sarcasm - everything that Twitter is rich in.
Roskomnadzor announced the removal of the blocking from Telegram in Russia - hurray! 🥳
The date for lifting the restrictions has not yet been announced.
- BIG GEEK (@biggeekru) June 18, 2020
Telegram was unblocked in Russia.
WhatsApp users:
- Pumbych: bans coronavirus (@SolidPumba) June 18, 2020
Roskomnadzor has unblocked Telegram! We can finally use it. Two years suffered))) #Telegram#Roskomnadzor
- Andrey Glazachev (@anglazacev) June 18, 2020
- Nicotine with Eyebrows (@Yoghikitt) June 18, 2020
Telegram unlocked, let's already unblock bully. Walk like that
- Dude (@oldwinecat) June 18, 2020
#Telegram unblocked. Maybe also #Spotify will be released in Russia?
- Ale5ander (@ Ale5ander) June 18, 2020
remember letting airplanes out of the window? HELPED!
- sanya lobovikova (@_perlmutter) June 18, 2020
Well, guys, Telegram?
- Queen Kapotni (@di_lirium) June 18, 2020
Posony, the cart has been unblocked!
- S | G (@Gnuskov) June 18, 2020
We had days off when everyone worked. We had a permitted walking schedule that everyone put on. And now there is an unblocked Telegram, which no one has been able to block 🙈 #Telegram
- Sergey Ignatev (@SergeyIgnatev) June 18, 2020
It's funny to read “RKN unblocked Telegram”.
How can you unblock what you could not block?
And where did the money allocated for blocking go?- Drooling (@Slyooni) June 18, 2020
I am still afraid to enter Telegram without a mask. Who knows what happened there for 2 years.
- Maxim Levin (@maximumlevin) June 18, 2020
delete TamTam
- dementia and courage (@s_romanov) June 18, 2020
Telegram wanted to bend? 😂
What is this oh, oh gods Mr. Leha (@Alejandro_kek) June 18, 2020
- grandpa eva (@cheatingJudas) June 18, 2020
There are opinions about the reasons for the sudden unlocking.
Surrender P. Durov agreed to cooperate with Russian special services and comply with Russian legislation
…Messenger Telegram was unblocked in Russia
- ✗ น t թ Yiyozh Victor (@slyhedge) June 18, 2020
22.04.: A law on unblocking has been prepared. Min. Communications against.
14.05. Durov: unblock us, telegram has become better at fighting terrorism.
15.06. A law on unblocking and the concept of "official service" are introduced.
18.06. TG is unlocked by Roskomnadzor.
It doesn't happen by accident.- Alexey Gornostaev (@accujazz) June 18, 2020
Durov will sell Telegram to Usmanov.
Remember this tweet.- Kuban Republic (@ZK_RF) June 18, 2020
So... does this mean that Durov turned in all passwords and accounts? 🤔
- Olga Hamster (@inferno_hamster) June 18, 2020
What do you think, why did you unblock Telegram? Write in the comments.
Read also🧐
- How to format text in Telegram messages
- How to completely hide your phone number in Telegram
- Telegram received another update and announced video calls