What are the reasons for frequent urination and what to do about it
Educational Program Health / / December 29, 2020
On average, a healthy adult person runs to the toilet 6-7 timesUrinary Frequency in a day. Up to 10 times is also considered the norm - if you feel good at the same time and are sure that you have visited the bathroom just as often before.
But if the urge to urinate began to appear more often for no obvious reason, this is a bad signal.
When to Seek Help Immediately
Consult a physician as soon as possible or, depending on how you feel, call an ambulance if, in addition to frequent urination, these symptoms are presentFrequent Urination: When To See a Doctor:
- blood in urine;
- red or dark brown urine;
- severe pain when urinating;
- sharp pain in the side, lower abdomen, or groin;
- problems with urination - you cannot urinate, although you really want to;
- a strong, unbearable urge to urinate that you cannot control;
- loss of control over the bladder - it empties frequently and without your desire;
- heat.
What are the reasons for frequent urination
Sometimes frequent urination, although it looks suspicious, is completely normal. Here are the common reasons
Urination: Frequent Urination: Possible Causes constant visits to the toilet.1. You drank coffee even though you haven't done so in a long time
Despite the common stereotype, coffee by no means a diuretic. It does not cause fluid loss in excess of that which has entered the body with the drink itself.
But there is one exception. If you drink 2-3 cups of strong coffee in a row, the diuretic effect can become pronouncedCaffeine ingestion and fluid balance: a review. However, this applies only to those people who have not pampered themselves with this drink for a long time.
If you are used to drinking coffee every day, it will not work to write off the frequent urination. Look for other reasons.
2. You drink hard liquor
Alcohol is a powerful and fast diuretic. Once in the body, it suppressesWhy Does Alcohol Make You Pee? the action of the hormone vasopressin, one of the functions of which is to force the kidneys to retain the necessary moisture.
When there is a lot of alcohol and, accordingly, little vasopressin, the kidneys relax. And, by filtering the blood, they begin to expel fluid from the body. This leads to increased urination as well as severe dehydration. Hence the dry mouth, headache, weakness and other delights hangover.
3. You are a pregnant woman
During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size and presses on the bladder. That, in turn, more often informs the hostess: something is wrong, probably it's time to go to the toilet.
Frequent urination occurs mainly in the third, but sometimes in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning of pregnancy, the body has not yet adapted to the changes occurring in it and reacts to them brighter.
4. You are a man and you have prostate problems
Prostate Is a gland about the size of a ping-pong ball located between the bladder and rectum. It slowly grows all its life. And in some cases, it can become so large (in this case, they speak of an enlarged prostate) that it begins to put pressure on the bladder.
An increase in the size of the prostate can lead to prostatitis - this is the name of the inflammatory process in the gland. Inflammation is not age related and can occur in young men as well. Its hallmark (in addition to frequent urination) is soreness in the lower abdomen or back.
5. You have a urinary tract or bladder disease
Most often we are talking about an infection. Bacteria that have invaded the urinary system cause inflammation and painful swelling of the tissues. Your bladder is under pressure - and you start running to the toilet more often.
In extremely rare cases, increased frequency of urination indicates bladder cancer.
6. You have developing diabetes
Frequent urination is one of the most common early signs diabetes. In this condition, the body cannot control blood sugar levels. To remove excess and harmful glucose from the bloodstream, the kidneys begin to work harder than usual and excrete sugar along with the increased volume of urine.
The loss of fluid leads to the fact that a person is constantly thirsty. This is also one of the early symptoms of the disorder.
7. You are a woman and you have vaginitis
This is the name of the inflammation of the vagina. When vaginitis the walls of the vagina swell and again press on the bladder.
8. You are a woman and you have prolapse of the genitals.
It is also a prolapse of the genitals. In some cases, the muscles of the internal genital organs weaken (this happens, for example, after a difficult birth) and the uterus or appendages go down, sometimes literally falling out of the vagina.
This problem is reflected in the activity of the bladder: the urge to use the toilet appears more often.
9. Possibly a neurological problem
Disorders such as multiple sclerosis or a stroke that can lead to hyperactivityOveractive bladder Bladder. This is a condition in which the walls of the bladder from time to time begin to involuntarily contract - even if there is very little fluid inside.
10. You have a tumor in one of your pelvic organs
The tumor can also be benign. In any case, an increase in any of the neighboring organs of the bladder can provoke increased urination.
What to do with frequent urination
Start by monitoring your health throughout the day. If nothing hurts you, and the urge to urinate becomes less frequent, then everything is in order. Perhaps you are too heavy on coffee or, for example, you ate a watermelon.
If urination remains frequent throughout the day or more, be sure to consultUrination: Frequent Urination: Care and Treatment with a therapist. Here's what the doctor will ask about:
- how much and how often do you drink;
- Are you taking any medications (some drugs have a diuretic effect)?
- do you drink alcohol.
In addition, your healthcare provider will ask you about additional symptoms. Maybe it's a pulling pain, even a weak one, in the lower abdomen, increased thirst or a tingling sensation in the fingers (sometimes this is a sign of neurological problems). Be sure to tell your therapist about any newly emerging symptoms of well-being.
You will most likely be asked for blood and urine tests. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.
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