How to study on a paid basis if there is no money
Forming How To Proceed / / December 29, 2020
Situation: there were not enough points to enter the budget, and I don't want to ask parents to pay for my studies. You can wait a year to retake the USE and try again, or take out a loan - the state will help pay it off. Together with "Sberbank»Understand how education loans are arranged.
What is an education loan?
This is a type of loan that is issued to students to pay for their studies. He will help out if he managed to enroll only in a paid form, but there is no money right now to pay for tuition at the university. This is a fairly widespread practice in the world: for example, in the United States with educational loans enjoy about a third of young people between the ages of 18 and 29. The conditions for such loans are usually quite mild: for the period of study, a deferral of debt payment can be provided, and part of the costs is borne by the state. It needs qualified specialists, so it is ready to help those who want to get higher education.
In Russia such credit can be registered with Sberbank - it is the official partner of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The loan allows you to pay for your studies at any university - be it public or private, as long as it is registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and had a license to conduct educational activities. With the form of training, everything is also simple: they give money to both full-time students and those who enrolled in a correspondence course.
So there are consumer loans. Isn't that the same thing?
No, there are several important benefits to a student loan. First, it can be obtained without proof of income. Simply put, a student or his parents do not need to bring a salary certificate to the bank, a deposit is also not needed. Secondly, Sberbank gives a grace period: only interest will have to be paid during studies and for another three months after graduation from the university. The principal can be settled within 10 years from the end of the grace period.
The state will help pay off the loan - through subsidies it compensates for part of the interest on the loan. Now the aggregate interest rate on education loans from "Sberbank"Is 13.01% per annum. Of these, 8.5% is paid by the borrower, and the state pays more than a third of this rate - 4.51% per annum.
The bank does not transfer the entire amount to the university at once, but pays each semester separately. If during his studies a student realizes that he has chosen the wrong specialty, he can transfer to another university. Nothing bad will happen with the loan, you just need to bring a new agreement and a receipt for payment to the Sberbank branch by the beginning of the semester. If the student is expelled for academic failure, he will have to return only the amount that the bank has already transferred to the university, and pay the aggregate interest rate - subsidies from the state in this case are no longer act.
How much should you pay per month?
Depends on the cost and duration of training. Let's say a student enters a bachelor's program, he has four years to study, and the cost of training is 100,000 rubles a year. In total, studies will cost 400,000 rubles, and interest is added to it: 8.5% of 400,000 - 34,000 rubles.
The 4 years that the student spends at the university is considered a grace period - you only need to pay interest. The postponement is added three months after graduation - during this time you can just find a permanent job.
Here is an approximate calculation of the amount of payments:
- In the first year, you have to pay 40% of the interest accrued for the year.
- In the second year, the student pays 60% of the interest accrued for the year.
- From the third year until the end of the grace period, interest must be paid in full.
During study, the minimum payment, taking into account the deferral, is from 261 rubles per month - to pay off, temporary part-time jobs are enough. When the grace period ends, the graduate will have 10 years to pay back the debt and interest - including those that were not paid in the first two years of study. During this period, the payment will be 6 599 rubles per month.
The loan can be repaid ahead of schedule if the situation allows: for example, a student has a permanent job. There is no need to wait until the grace period ends: it is enough to come to the Sberbank branch and fill out an application for early repayment of the loan.
Calculate the amount of payments
If the student is under 18, are there any chances that the loan will be approved?
Of course. Even those who are only 14 years old can apply for an education loan at Sberbank - however, in In this case, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the legal representatives of the borrower and permission of the authorities custody.
To complete the application, you must have the following documents with you:
- Borrower's passport, and if he is under 18 years old, his birth certificate, passport and written the consent of the legal representative, as well as the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities to conclude a credit contract.
- Statement for a loan.
- Agreement on the provision of paid educational services concluded with the university.
- University account to which the bank will transfer money.
If you entered another city and during your studies you will not live where you are registered, then a certificate of temporary registration will also come in handy.
So, what to do next?
Conclude an agreement with the university that you will be paid for studying, collect the rest of the documents and come with them to the nearest branch of Sberbank - you can find a branch here. You don't need to travel to your hometown and back for this: applications are accepted both at the place of permanent registration and where the university is located.
The bank will consider the application within three days and offer to sign a loan agreement. After that, he will immediately transfer the money for the first semester to the university account, and you will discuss the scheme of further payments with a bank employee when concluding an agreement. The main thing is to closely follow the payment schedule and repay interest or a loan on time: this can be done at a Sberbank branch, through an ATM, or using Sberbank Online and a mobile bank.
Do it your way!
The consumer loan "Educational loan with state support" of Sberbank PJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Credit) is available by submitting a loan application at the Bank's office for all citizens RF aged 14 to 75 years as part of the provision of state support for educational lending in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2018 g. No. 197 "On Approval of the Rules for Providing State Support for Educational Lending". The loan is provided to pay for the cost or part of the cost of educational services received in the current academic year or subsequent periods of study in higher education programs. Loan restrictions: provided to pay for educational services in universities. The total loan amount for a specific borrower is determined by the Bank individually, depending on the cost of educational services. The Bank has the right to refuse to issue a Loan without explaining the reasons. Changes to the conditions are made by the Bank unilaterally. For more information about the Bank's lending terms, restrictions and other conditions, visit or call 8 (800) 555-55-50. PJSC Sberbank. General license of the Bank of Russia for banking operations No. 1481 dated August 11, 2015.