How to choose the tomato paste, so as not to spoil the soup
Tips / / December 19, 2019
1. Examine the label
Read the label back in the supermarket, so as not to give a pale soup, sauce or bitter spoiled stomach.
Check the name of the
Before you must be just "tomato sauce", and not, for example, "tomato puree". It may seem that there is no difference - tomatoes and there and there. But the fact that the paste in a concentrated several times. One teaspoon of paste will give a borscht rich taste of tomatoes, mashed potatoes with this can not cope.
look at the composition
By GOST There are two variants of the composition of high-quality tomato paste. Ground tomatoes, water. Second: tomato paste. You need to arrange any of these options. The paste should not be a starch, vinegar, fruit puree. Preservatives are also not needed - the right production technology allows to preserve the freshness of pasta without foreign substances. The composition should be no dyes. Even salt and sugar are not needed, they have enough in tomatoes themselves.
For example, for cooking pasta "Box Astrakhan tomatoes
"I do not use anything other than tomatoes. They contain lycopene - a powerful antioxidant that keeps Lycopene: Health Benefits and Top Food Sources youthfulness of the skin, fights against the formation of cancer cells and strengthens the cardiovascular system. This means that this product will not only delicious, but also beneficial to health.Pasta - a concentrated tomatoes. In one jar Product volume 740 grams contained a little more than 5 kilograms of tomatoes, which is almost a whole box! It turns out that the daily body's need for lycopeneLycopene: Health Benefits and Top Food Sources It can be covered with just one tablespoon. studies show Lycopene is more bioavailable from tomato paste than from fresh tomatoesThat of the tomato paste is a substance is absorbed better than from fresh tomatoes.
2. Learn where and how to made pasta
Place of manufacture will also be indicated on the package.
Tasty and high quality tomato paste in all regions of the sun - there grow juicy tomatoes. For example, in Italy or southern regions of Russia. Domestic version at the same time would be more profitable for the price.
We tell about the production on the example of tomato paste "box Astrakhan tomatoes" that - who would have thought! - do in Astrakhan. Manufacturer prepares paste from own raw materials, for he grows tomatoes in fields and in greenhouses. At the peak of ripeness tomatoes collects a special technique and then they are sorted and processed on the Italian equipment. He was chosen in part because of the fact that the tomato paste comes from Italy, where people know how to produce high-quality and tasty product. It is the only manufacturer in Russia, which makes tomato paste as well as in her homeland.
Ripe tomatoes first washed in special machines, then they are sent to the sorting: factory workers to manually weed out poor raw materials. More vegetables fall into the crusher. Crushed mass is heated in the system Hot Break or Cold Break (depending on which product to get - ketchup, sauce or tomato paste), and then it was passed through a sieve, separating the seeds and peel. To obtain tomato paste, the mass of water evaporated. The finished product is sterilized and filled into sealed packages.
Galina Gurevich
CEO of Green Ray.
Until recently, the tomato paste in our country is practically not carried outFrom 2013 to 2017. production of tomato paste and puree in Russia increased 2.5 times from 54.4 to 135.1 thousand. t: It imported in the form of concentrate and packaged under various brand names. It began its work "Agriculture Astrakhan 'in 2016. It is the country's largest complex for the growing and processing of tomatoes, which provided for 40% of the demand of the Russian market and released its own brand of tomato paste from local raw materials.
Every day from August to November "Agriculture Astrakhan" recycles 5,000 tons of tomatoes. To imagine the scale, draw in the imagination of a train loaded up to the top tomato. And he is so long that the road along the train from the beginning to the end would have taken 40 minutes brisk pace.
Of course, it is impossible to control all this when you simply choose the tomato paste in the store. But even a simple visit to the manufacturer's website will help you understand how transparent the process of manufacturing. For example, agro-industrial complex "Astrakhan", where they make a paste for the brand "box Astrakhan tomatoes", there is little movie about the structure of the production of this product.
3. Look at the color
Perfect tomato paste smooth red color without inclusions.
The very shade depends on the variety of tomato categories: Extra, the highest or the first. The best pasta is obtained from tomatoes and extra high category, it has a red color.
First grade - brownish hue. But precisely paste should not be brown - it is said that the production of raw materials used or poor-quality or low-quality equipment.
4. Rate consistency
A good tomato paste, elastic, dense and slightly grainy. This consistency is achieved through the solids content - ingredients which remain after boiling. GOST tomato paste should be at least 25% solids, and paste "box Astrakhan tomatoes" proportion is 25-28%.
Perform a quick test: type product in a spoon and see how it behaves. If the paste flows away from the spoon - in front of you tomato puree. It contains up to 12% solids, lycopene and less use.
5. Taste before adding to dishes
It would be a shame to cook fragrant soup, and then spoil all the bad paste. Before you send the product to a pan, dissolve a few spoonfuls of water - you should have a tomato juice.
The paste can be saturated and even bluff taste. It is normal for the concentrated product, because it is rarely used in its pure form for cooking are typically mixed with water or broth.
If the paste is bitter, it means that there was a violation of the heat treatment. Simply put, the product is burnt. High-quality tomato paste should haveGOST 3343-2017. Tomato products concentrated. General specifications Saturated flavor notes of metal penetration and without impurities. It smells like tomatoes, heat-treated: as if you had extinguished them in a frying pan to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
Choose tomato paste