Pavel Fedorov, chief editor of Lifehacker, on his Twitter account asked, what games can you recommend to a person who has never played anything. Here are just a few of the games mentioned most often:
1. Uncharted 4 (or 2 and 3).
2. Until Dawn (Until Dawn) is a very cool horror movie, a parody of teenage horror films of the 90s. Very good for those who are far from games.- old man utkonosik (@_utkonosik) July 10, 2020
Platformers with a meaning like GRIS and INSIDE, I got Nastya from them
- Vadim Elistratov (@great_laziness) July 10, 2020
I have an absolutely non-playing wife and she really liked INSIDE and 7th Sector of Sergey Noskov. Still not playing can slip an interactive movie: Detroit, Until Dawn
- Sergey K - (@coremission) July 10, 2020
Red Dead Redemption 2, Ori, Witcher 3, Detroit: Become Human
- Tour (@arturdzivia) July 11, 2020
In general, it depends on preferences and character, but these I would give everyone a try
Life is strange 1-2, Detroit: Become human, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Witcher (3 - especially)
- tongue insect (@timoteushm) July 10, 2020
Journey, What Remains of Edith Finch, Gone Home.
- Rasnik Strand (@ R9snick) July 10, 2020
Stardew valley
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Uncharted 4
Animal crossing- Gray (@ Grey1123) July 11, 2020
What can you advise for beginners? Share in the comments!
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