What is white noise for newborns and where to get
Tips Educational Program / / December 19, 2019
What is white noise
White noise - a steady background sound that contains all frequencies of the audible range, from 20 to 20 000 Hz. The name of this phenomenon is similar to the white color, combining all existing colors (of course, talking about electromagnetic waves of the visible spectrum of all frequencies, but can not go into non-essential in this case details).
The beauty of the white noise - it uninformative.
Because this uniform hum no bits of important information, our brains very quickly cease to notice it. So we do not react to the sound of the washing machine. Or the usual road noise from outside. Or rustling leaves.
How does White Noise
He drowns out other sounds. To represent this, imagineWhat is White NoiseThat is closer to you speak two people. While so many of them, you will clearly hear every voice. But in conversation he came third. You can still distinguish colors, but already confused who it says the word. If talking to a thousand people, the brain is not able to identify a particular voice - sonorous or deaf, loud or quiet, sharp or soft. They all merge into one indistinguishable white noise and uninformative.
Our brains are very like this state, it seems to him safe. Therefore, many are so fond of, for example, the sound of rain.
The white noise helps newborns
White noise is used to help babies fall asleep. And it really helps. So, in a small studyWhite noise and sleep induction involving 40 infants, scientists have divided the kids into two groups. The first included the white noise. Second trying to put to bed by traditional methods - rocking on hands or leaving the crib.
16 infants in the first group fell asleep for 5 minutes after they include white noise. In the second group for the same period, only five were asleep.
It is assumed that such a hypnotic effect for two reasons.
1. White noise masks other sounds
This is important for sensitive kids or those who live in families with two or more children. Thus infants are often difficult to sleep because let softly but still stand out against the general background sounds: accidental slamming door, a signal of a passing car, or votes, brothers sisters.
White noise drowns makes indistinguishable to the brain, these extraneous sounds. So, the child falls asleep and sleep soundly.
2. White noise calms
Monotonous dull hum reminds the baby sounds he heard while in the womb. As well as all that sounds like the happy time (eg rocking, muted light), white noise calms the baby in the first months of life.
Suitable for white noise
Just say: not all. Most children (and adults) love uninformative dull hum. But there are also those whom he disliked.
If the baby falls asleep easily in a wheelchair on a noisy street or under the sound of the TV, fan, washing machine, running water, most likely, the white noise as a "sleeping pills" to him also nice. But find out exactly how to respond to the specific multi-frequency sounds your baby can only experimentally.
When the white noise can be harmful
He seems a nice and safe, but scientists still cautious and warned about possible side effects.
1. hearing impairment
In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics has tested 14 popular devices that generate white noise. It revealedCan Infant Sleep Machines Be Hazardous to BabiesThat they exceed the recommended noise level for infants - 50 decibels. Because generators often work all night (and more caring parents and include them louder to drown out all the possible extraneous sounds), this can cause hearing loss in a child.
2. Speech delay
This prevents the risk all the same above-mentioned study. If the baby is hearing impaired, and the the words adult he will not perceive as clearly as normal. And it will affect his speech development.
To reduce risks pediatricians recommend installing such devices at a distance of at least 2 m from the beds and keep the volume at a low or medium level.
3. adaptation
Children who respond well to white noise, really sleep better. But they're getting used to this sound support. If for some reason the kid has to fall asleep without the white noise generator, a high probability of problems with sleep.
Where can I get a white noise for newborns
1. Create your own
Turn on the fan, air conditioner, humidifier for the duration of the alleged sleep: these devices produce sounds very similar to white noise.
2. Buy a stuffed toy with built-in white noise generator
Such toys reproduce sounds that are ideal for children's sleep. They remind maternal heartbeat, rain noise, waterfall, wind. As a rule, you can choose from dozens of options for white noise and find among them is the one to which the child responds best.
Also, these gadgets are available in the form of children's night light or separate devices.
What to buy
- Teddy bear-komforter from ZaZu, 1820 rubles →
- Soft toy dog to sleep on DrOma BabyDou, 3890 rubles →
- Toy donkey to sleep on ZaZu, 2445 rubles →
3. Turn on white noise online
The Network lack the resources, offering download or listen to white noise online. And it is available in different versions: you can select the white noise with the sounds of raindrops or hiss TV.
4. Download the mobile app - white noise generator
A lot of them, choose to your taste.
Google Play Store
Price: Free
Price: Free
Price: Free
App Store
Price: Free
Price: Free
Price: Free
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