Check the symptoms
According to WHO, symptomsCoronavirus COVID-19 coronavirus infections are the same as with many acute respiratory viral infections: dry cough, high fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, weakness and malaise. Less common are nausea and vomiting, headache, diarrhea, and nasal congestion. If you have any of these symptoms, especially a dry cough with fever and shortness of breath, then you are at risk of COVID-19.
Call an ambulance
Seek medical attention if you have symptoms of coronavirus. Even if it seems to you that this is a common cold, you should inform about the alarming symptoms of your a local doctor who can be called at home by calling your clinic or by calling 112 or 103.
The doctor decides whether to test for coronavirus. For examination, a swab is taken from the nose and / or oropharynx. Self-delivery of tests for coronavirus is not provided. The survey is free of charge.
For advice on symptoms or other issues related to an illness, you can call the single hotline for informing the population on coronavirus issues at 8-800-2000-112.
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Monitor your condition
Depending on your symptoms and how you feel, your healthcare professional may leave you home for treatment or hospitalization. In the first case, it is important to monitor your health and, if it deteriorates, seek help again.
Do not under any circumstances self-medication and do not take any drugs you have not been prescribed.
Try to isolate yourself
The illness usually lasts two weeks. In severe cases, 3 to 6 weeks. Once the decision has been made to treat coronavirus at home, you must not leave your home. If you live alone, ask your friends or acquaintances to bring you everything necessary products and other products that may be required. They must be passed on without direct contact - let them leave them under the door.
If you do not live alone, then for protecting loved ones it is necessary to isolate in a separate room and try not to contact anyone. Especially with those who are over 60 years old, as they are in a group high risk. By the way, all household members will also have to undergo an examination and, most likely, also not leave the house.
Don't panic
Even if you are sure that you have a coronavirus infection, do not panic. Remember that in the vast majority of cases, the disease goes away without noticeable complications with mild signs of infection. Do not neglect preventive measures, wear a mask, continue to wash your hands thoroughly and observe insulation.
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