How to beat the procrastination: the scientific approach
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Luke Melhauzer
The Executive Director of the Institute for Research of machine intelligence. Keeps a blog about rationality and personal effectiveness.
If you think in the spirit of rationalismThen you'll want to solve the problem of procrastination power of the mind from the ground up. But sometimes it is much more effective to start with the decision to structure all the scientific knowledge that we have on this issue, as it is done in classical studies.
Today I will try to cope with procrastination, Summarizing all that is known about it and how to overcome it.
I will start with the three characteristic sketches.
Eddie attended sales seminars, read all the books, said this morning in the mirror all the motivational affirmations. But he has not sold anything yet. Failures that followed one after the other, completely demoralized him. He removed the desktop, browse the Internet and begins to call customers, while the working day is over.
Three houses from Eddie Valerie lives. She opened the Word and staring at a blank document. Her task - to write an essay about municipal politics until tomorrow - bogglingly boring. She decides that needs a break: writing messages to friends, watching the show... and understands that the motivation she left even less than it was. At 10 pm it is immersed in the work, but the result reflects the elapsed time: her essay awful.
Tom, who lives downstairs, went further. He issued a visa, buy a plane ticket, made a mark in the schedule of holidays and ready to rest in the Dominican Republic. However, it still need to book a room at the hotel, but it can be done at any time. That suffered the problem in the first week, because he had many more urgent matters, and then completely forgot about it. Packing things he remembered, that number is not booked, but all the places near the beach were already occupied. Upon arrival, Tom got a room in the building on the 10th of coastline, decorated with dead mosquitoes.
Eddie, Valerie and Tom suffer from procrastination. But in different ways.
Eddie underestimated the level of expectations, it is configured only to defeat. Eddie does not wait for the success of a new series of cold calls. According to the results of 39 studies of procrastination, low expectations - the main cause of procrastination. You question your ability to lose weight through diet; you do not believe in something that will get the job; you really need to go for a walk, to meet more often with girls and learn how to flirt, but you do not expect anything but failure, therefore postpone action. You learn to be unhappy.
Valerie problem in the problem, which has no value for her. We all put off what we do not like. It is easy to meet friends and have a few drinks or open a video game - harder to fill in a tax return. And this obvious fact is confirmed by numerous studies.
We postpone until later that we do not like.
But the strongest factor that triggers procrastination - Tom's problem. This impulsiveness. Moreover it would be easier to book a room in advance, but he was distracted by more important and interesting things and have not thought about the need to stay until the last minute, when he was in front of a very modest selection of places in the hotel. Dozens of studies have shown that procrastination is closely related to impulsivity.
Impulsivity refers to a volumetric component of procrastination - time. Impact of the event on our solutions, the smaller the farther it in time. Future rewards motivate much less than the immediate promotion. Temporary deferral particularly strong influence on impulsive people.
Expectations, value, delay and impulsivity - are four main component of procrastination. Pierce Steele (Piers Steel), a leading researcher of procrastination, explains: "Reduce the size of the award, or doubt that it is - that is, reduce the value and expectations - and it is unlikely you will make an effort. Put the reward for completing the task or add to the character of impulsivity, and motivation are also started to fall. "
equation procrastination
All of the above leads to procrastination equation:
While procrastination of the knowledge base grows, this equation is applied in every serious study since it is based on the best current theories of motivation.
It should increase the reward (this includes the enjoyment of the task, and the value of the results), and the motivation grows. great benefits, too waiting always leads to an increase in motivation.
You may have noticed that this part of the equation - it is one of the basic equations expected utility theory in economics. But it has been criticized for the fact that it does not take into account the time factor.
For example, in 1991, George Akerlof (George Akerlof) noticedThat subconsciously we perceive current expenses more important than the costs that are coming in the future. Akerlof study led to flourishing of behavioral economics, which takes into account, among other things, more and time.
Therefore, in the equation and appeared denominator, taking into account the effect that time has on our motivation. The longer you have to wait for the promotion of the work, the less we desire to do anything. The negative effect of the delay is amplified at the expense of our impulsiveness. Motivation is very impulsive people suffer from any delays.
Equation procrastination in action
As an example, imagine a college student who must pass course work at the end of the semester. Unfortunately for students, colleges have built an impenetrable wall of the components of procrastination. Firstly, even if the value of the exchange rate for the final grade is very high, its momentary value to girls remains extremely low. Especially if she is afraid to write papers, the majority of students.
Moreover, it is also waiting for the result to be underestimated. Evaluate the quality of course work hard, and different teachers can supply different grades for the same task: for the statement on a solid four essays can deliver and five-plus, if you're lucky, and three - if luck turn away. And yet in the meantime, how to set the exchange rate, and the end of the semester will take a lot of time. And if a student is prone to impulsivity, delay negative impact on her motivation increases dramatically. Write coursework - exhausting work (that is, it has little value), the results can not be predicted (the performer understated expectation), and the deadline will not soon (most deferral).
But that's not all. Hostel and campus, perhaps the least suitable for places on the planet. You can always find a lot of affordable pleasures (clubs, parties, community, relationships, sports, events and alcohol). Is it any wonder in these circumstances that the exchange rate has not written? All of these factors reinforce the effect of distracting from the inability to receive the award immediately and by impulsiveness.
How to beat procrastination
Although the neurobiology of procrastination many know, I do not want in this article to consider all scientific theories. Instead, go directly to the problem.
Once you know the equation of procrastination, your basic strategy is obvious. Since it is usually nothing you can do to speed up the award, it is necessary to focus on those three components of the equation that you can control. To defeat procrastination, you need to:
- believe in success;
- increase the value of the task (make the process run or award more pleasant);
- reduce their impulsiveness.
You may think that it is not subject to you, but the researchers did find a few useful methods for achieving each goal.
Most of the tips listed below, taken from the best of the existing books on procrastination - "equation procrastination"Pierce Steele. It explains these and many other methods in more detail.
Optimize optimism
If you do not believe that will succeed, there will be no motivation to perform the task. All heard the advice: "Think positive!" But how to do it? To date, researchers have identified three main techniques for increasing optimism: success spiral replacement victory, mental comparison.
Spiral of success. One way of optimism - to use a spiral of success. When you reach a difficult goal after another, you will get a confirmation of their ability to succeed. Put in front of a series of important, complex, but achievable goals and achieve them one by one! Set up for success, doing what you are doing very well, so that your confidence remained at a high level.
Steele recommends to set a goal to learn something new or to devote time to the process, not the result. The goal "to develop their abilities" rather than aim to "win" or "get the highest score."
It is best to train a spiral success suit extreme sports and adventure: rafting, climbing, hiking. Get your hands on something new. For example, learn how to cook. Or start karate. Take on more responsibilities at work, including in social activities. Go to the next level in their favorite hobby. The main thing - reaches one goal after the other and think about their success. Your brain will reward you: you determined to win, and therefore be able to cope with the procrastination.
Substitution victory. Pessimism and optimism are contagious. Wherever you are, you have the opportunity to gain access to communities that simply radiate positive. 5-10 visit of such associations to join the best of them. Suppose you first help to believe in victory, then you will achieve your.
It is also possible to expand the boundaries of optimism, looking at inspirational movies, reading inspirational biographies and listening to motivational lectures.
Myslene comparison. Many popular books on self-development suggest using creative visualization, practice and regular live representation of what you want to achieve: the machine, career achievements. Surprisingly, studies show that this method can kill your motivation.
But that did not happen, use the technique of mental comparisons. Once imagined, what you want to achieve, mentally Contrast this to what you have now. Imagine his old, terrible car and a small bank account. This will help to treat the current situation as an obstacle that must be eliminated to achieve their dreams, give a sharp start planning and execution.
It should be noted that an excess of optimism, too, can be a problem, though less common. Determine why you postpone things for later, make a back-up plan in case of failure, and use the methods described in this article in order to succeed in the fight against procrastination.
It is difficult to be motivated for the work, not having to have any value, or worse, not at all unpleasant. The good news: the value in some way relative and can be constructed. the value of plasticity - is a well-studied area, which is engaged in psychophysics. Researchers give some tips on how we add value to the task.
Flow. If the task that you avoid, boring, try to make it more difficult to match its level of your skills. This will help you get into the flow state. So did the heroes of the movie "Supercop" - invented strange games and tasks to bring himself to do his boring job. Myrtle Young (Myrtle Young), for example, figured out how to do their job in a factory for the production of potato chips more fascinating: she is looking for in the tubers similarities with celebrities before sending them on a conveyor tape.
Value. Search values helps to make sure that the problem you are facing are related to the business that you love just like that, even if the link is indirect. For example, imagine a chain: you read the book, then you pass the test, then, well done study, get a job and build a career of their dreams.
Energy. Obviously, the problem is more difficult to carry out, if you do not have enough energy. Get to work when you are in full combat readiness. Energy stocks depend on your daily biorhythms, but most people are at the peak of activity a few hours after awakening. Productive period lasts about four hours. Of course, for this you need enough sleep and exercise regularly.
Such as work and life hacking:
- drink more water;
- consume less flour;
- use pharmaceuticals (strictly prescribed by a doctor);
- once a week to arrange a short intensive training;
- if you feel tired, wash with cold water, take a shower, make a series of jumps, or go for a run;
- Listen to music that lifts the mood;
- put things in order in my life, because any mess drains your brain, it prevents it from functioning throughout the day.
The obvious way to add value to the task - to reward themselves for its implementation. Bitter medicine should be consumed with sugar. Connect the long-term benefit from short-term pleasure. Find a partner to work with whom you like to chat. Prepare a delicious coffee that you drink it, solving the problem. For example, when I have to do something unpleasant, I bribe myself with the help of ice cream.
Of course, the most effective way to increase the value of the task - to focus on the fact that you really love. I do not need to look for extra motivation when I examine changes in the ethical system, or do scientific publications review the work on the other, because I like it. Some people like to play video games and build a career in this field. To calculate what the profession will have to decide your favorite task, pass tests on vocational guidance. In the US, for example, have serviceWhich will help to find a job in demand, appropriate to your character.
Keep under control impulsivity
Usually impulsivity - the greatest value in the equation of procrastination. Steele offers two methods to deal with this problem.
Self-restraint. Odysseus could not sail past the sweet siren, if rely on your willpower. Knowing their weakness, he had already taken care of, how to resist the temptation: he literally tied himself to the mast. Several ways to prior restraint helps to cope well with impulsivity.
The first method can be called a "throw away the key": block all distractions. Many people report increased productivity, if not let you turn on the TV at home. I have for many years it is not. But now the TV show, and not only they are available on the Internet. To reduce its effect, you may need special application. Or just have to turn off the router at the time.
The second method - failure to do really painful. For example, using it a resource you can set aside money to lose if you do not reach the goal, and the assessment of the needs to give an outside observer. To raise specify in the settings that your money in case of failure, will go to the account of the organization that you hate. And ask your supervisor to tell about it in Facebook, if you still fail the building.
Setting goals. Hundreds of books promoting the formulation of SMART goals. Goals should be specific (Specific), measurable (Measurable), Achievable (Attainable), realistic (Realistic), time-limited (Time-Anchored). Confirmed whether these recommendations qualitative research? Not really. Firstly, in this system, "achievable" goals overlap with "realistic" and "time-limited" and "measurable" part of the "concrete". Secondly, in this scheme, we missed important concepts. Earlier we talked about the importance of goals that challenge and help to enter in a state of flux and mean a lot to you, that is associated with the things that you love on their own.
It is also important to divide one large goal into smaller. Small results easier to achieve at a time, deadlines for small goals are much shorter. As a rule, if a plan of daily goals, it will help to overcome the starting line, that is, perform a crucial purpose - to begin. The first goal may be a letter, and the second - a problem today. When you have completed the first five-minute job, you already were on track to meet today's goals, with no matter how long it will take 30 minutes or several hours.
And again, to answer the question, your goal is measured by the process or the result? Compare two objectives: to spend 30 minutes on the business and create a product. Set goals in different ways for different tasks and choose the option that works for you.
Since we are all dependent on their habits, often turning the target into a routine helps to achieve results. For example, do the exercises in the same time each day.
So, to overcome procrastination, you need to increase the motivation for each task, which wants to postpone. To do this, you can:
- of optimism and believe in success;
- make the task more enjoyable;
- to take steps to control impulsivity.
For each step, use the methods described above (set goals, block distractions, use a spiral of success).
Attention! Do not try to be perfect. Do not try to get rid of procrastination. Be realistic. Excessive self-control can make you miserable, so it is important to strike a balance.
Now you have all the tools to defeat procrastination. Determine which side of the equation requires you of focus, select methods that are best suited to you. Become faster, better, stronger!
And read more about procrastination equation.